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永隆銀行參與 「金融科技人才培育計劃資訊日」

近年金融科技(FinTech)風起雲湧,永隆銀行積極投身金融科技變革浪潮,連續第二年參與由金融管理局及香港應科 ...全文


HK fintech needs a combination of efforts: WeLab founder

Hong Kong is widely seen as lagging far behind rivals such as Shenzhen and Singapore when it comes to fintech development. But that may be about to change, as local authorities step up efforts to boos ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-09


政府大力投資創科,金融科技(FinTech)是其中發展重點,例如金融管理局在上月初發布《虛擬銀行的認可》指引修 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年03月09日


本港FinTech初創企業gini公布「年輕一族的消費和儲蓄習慣」調查,發現超過四成的八十、九十後受訪者每月儲 ...全文


New approach needed in investor relations, says IRLink founder

Veteran investor Kenneth Chung, who founded an online platform last year to help listed firms handle investor relations (IR) better, believes companies need to develop a new way of thinking in relatio ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-05

500億谷創科 河套區發展佔四成
聚焦生物科技 AI 智慧城市 FinTech

為促進創新科技發展,新一份《財政預算案》大灑500億元,其中最大部分預留給發展落馬洲河套區,涉資200億元。業 ...全文


Hong Kong can be the next RegTech hub

JPMorgan Chase, the largest US bank in deposit taking, committed 5,000 extra employees “to fix risk and compliance issues after a slew of investigations by regulatory authorities”. HSBC also hired an ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-28


港交所(00388)將於下星期三派成績表,睇番舊年港交所雖然失落全球IPO集資冠軍,但每日平均成交額回升,估計 ...全文



近年金融科技(FinTech)發展迅速,顛覆傳統金融行業,業界均嚴陣以待。ING商業銀行環球行政總裁Isabe ...全文



今個農曆新年,除了「恭喜發財」和「身體健康」,另一討喜的賀語可能是「祝你早日請到外傭」。事關現在外傭嚴重渴市, ...全文


HKMA's updated rules conducive to virtual-banking development

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has done a review of the Guideline on Authorization of Virtual Banks that was first issued in 2000. In order to keep up with fintech development, Hong Kong's de ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-14

Banks still in testing mode on blockchain: JP Nicols

In an article carried Tuesday, we outlined the views of JP Nicols, a prominent bank innovation consultation expert, on the future of banking industry in China and Hong Kong. Now, in the second part of ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-07

Traditional banks waking up to fintech challenge, says JP Nicols

The banking industry is being disrupted by innovative fintech startups who are digitally driven, customer-centric and leveraging the cloud. With billions of dollars poured into fintech startups, tradi ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-06


上屆政府幾經波折終於在2015年底成立創新及科技局,該局的首要使命是促進香港在創新及科技產業的發展,過去兩年政 ...全文



復星集團董事長郭廣昌表示,在英國的新全球化中,與中國的合作一定會更加緊密,復星也願意成為英國新全球化的最重要夥 ...全文


HK fintech startups need partnerships to thrive: Emil Chan

As dominant operators in China such as Alipay and WeChat Pay gear up to penetrate the lucrative Hong Kong mobile payment market, the scope of mobile payments, as well as fintech industry in general, i ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-02

電子支付洪流 鬥搶數據 港企迎FinTech求存

本港「手機錢包」電子支付服務愈來愈盛行,多間科技企業搶攻香港市場,從日常消費層面吸客。為了解用戶消費習慣,企業 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月02日

App內買賣兼營借貸 LINE招兵進軍加密幣

日本即時通訊程式LINE昨天宣布,新設一間處理加密貨幣交易的金融子公司LINE Financial,除了推出自 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月01日

Buddhists go high-tech: Acer to launch smart prayer beads

Taiwanese computer and technology firm Acer is set to launch a new smart product: Buddhist prayer beads that automatically count the number of times a mantra is recited and transfer merits to a social ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-30

Blockchain's broken promises

  The financial-services industry has been undergoing a revolution. But the driving force is not overhyped blockchain applications such as Bitcoin. It is a revolution built on artificial intelligence, ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-29

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