
共 1045 個結果
頁數:1...38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ...53

Arbitration setback: Beijing could have avoided the humiliation

... ere about marine rights disputes. Many may think that in public international law, major powers couldn't care less even if they lose a case as the winning party, usually a weaker or smaller nation, ca ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-19


... 。他的女兒馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)在這議題上跟父親劃清界線,率領該黨以反自由貿易、限制移民、脫離 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global國際學海迷津沈旭暉2016年07月18日

Mainland medical waste found at Lantau beach

...  issue of marine trash flowing into Hong Kong. -- Contact us at [email protected] RA/RC ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-13

Leung vows to take up marine garbage issue with Guangdong

...  study on marine garbage last year found that more than 80 percent of the litter originated from Hong Kong due to seashore and recreational activities. People need to change their habits if they want ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-11


... ,其女兒瑪琳.勒龐(Marine Le Pen)所領導的「新國民陣線」在法國政壇冒起,甚至有力問鼎總統寶座。可 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野凌劍豪2016年07月09日

Greenpeace warns of tiny plastic debris in seafood

...  than 170 marine species, including seafood consumed by Hongkongers. The plastic microbeads are often used in popular toiletries, such as shower gels and body scrubs, and people could be poisoning the ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-07

脫歐定局 焉知非福

... nt)黨魁馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)已表明出選,而且有機會勝出。假使國民陣線凱旋而歸,對歐盟將是又 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2016年07月07日

Officers seize 880 kilos of illegal shark fin imports

... protected marine life. The import, export or re-export of such specimens is an offence. The maximum penalty is a fine of US$5 million and imprisonment for two years. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-06

Ocean Park denies hush money allegations after child accident

Ocean Park, Hong Kong's popular marine-themed tourist attraction, has rejected accusations that it sought to keep a child-related escalator accident under wraps by paying hush money to the victim's fa ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-04

The meaning of Brexit

...  France’s Marine Le Pen) – are enormous. Other countries might hold referendums of their own, and some may choose to leave. In Europe, the call to punish Britain pour encourager les autres – to warn t ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-27

極右政黨紛歡呼 法國荷蘭也求脫

... ,該黨領袖馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)在Twitter展示英國國旗,高呼「自由勝利」,說法國和其他歐 ...全文


Tuen Mun beach closes after 2-foot-long shark caught

... s closed, marine police officers were seen patrolling the nearby waters in search of "big fish". A beach goer, who saw the shark, said he would avoid swimming out to the raft for safety reasons. Anot ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-24

點到你唔服? 公投不過是賭局

... nt)在馬琳.勒龐(Marine Le Pen)的領導下亦人氣急漲,該黨標誌的是民粹主義、反精英、反歐盟、地方 ...全文


Mourning as newborn dolphin dies at Ocean Park

... ch at the marine mammal breeding and research center. A post-mortem autopsy conducted by an in-house veterinarian did not show any congenital anomalies on the baby, the spokesman said. He said tissues ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-23

Marine police save suicidal maid in Western District

Marine police rescued an overstaying Indonesian domestic helper who jumped into the waters off Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park in the Western District in the early hours of Tuesday, news website hk01.com re ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-21

Brexit - a threat to our way of life

... elk, that marine mollusc that shrinks back into its shell at the merest physical approach. Independence is a relative concept. The “whelks” appear to believe that after having severed our connection w ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-21

英國人民抉擇 影響歐盟命運

... 洲政壇;其黨魁勒龐(Marine Le Pen)主張法國脫歐,並恢復歐洲各國邊界,因而得到大批選民認同。 歐盟 ...全文


Horseshoe Bay 自然與繁華 迅間即達

... 除了可經過海旁大道(Marine Drive)及獅門大橋(Lions Gate Bridge)連接至溫哥華市區 ...全文


Seafood as fresh as it gets at Seoul’s Noryangjin fish market

... y chilled marine fish and shrimp. Freshly caught marine fish and shellfish are offered after 3 a.m. The closer to daybreak, the bigger the fish. Head chefs or buyers from high-end restaurants make the ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-17

Iran sues US over US$2 bln frozen assets

... g of a US Marine Corps barracks in Beirut and other attacks blamed on Iran. The Iranian complaint was filed on Tuesday, Rouhani told a gathering in Tehran to break the Islamic Ramadan fast, according ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-16

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