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資金瘋炒復甦 大行火上加油

... 民陣線領袖馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)明年勝出大選的機會甚微,該行反而較為看好德國及西班牙的市場前景 ...全文


Why we need to take Marine Le Pen seriously

... ecause if Marine Le Pen, head of the right-wing extremist group National Front, wins the French election and decides to move the country out of the EU through a referendum, it will spell disaster for ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-07


... 陣線領導人馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)當選,發動法國脫歐公投,歐盟全面解體,也不是不可能的。 表面上 ...全文



... 國民陣線的瑪琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)及其姪女Marion Marechal Le Pen亦加入批評 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點馮文韜2016年12月03日

France's Hollande says he won't seek second term

French leader Francois Hollande said Thursday that he will not seek a second term, making way for another leftist candidate to take on conservative Francois Fillon and far-right leader Marine Le Pen i ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-02


... nt)的馬琳‧勒龐(Marine Le Pen)將試圖在即將到來的總統大選中掀起又一場反建制意外。而在德國,總 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2016年11月30日

Sustaining the Trump rally

... l Front's Marine Le Pen will attempt to turn the upcoming presidential election into another anti-establishment upset. And, in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel will try to position herself to win ano ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-29

伊拉克支持減產 油價V彈
美元回吐 兌日圓曾挫1.6%

... FN)黨魁馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen),刺激歐羅上揚,兌美元曾升至11天高位,最高見1.0686美元 ...全文


法前總理菲永跑出 總統選舉撼極右
主催自由經濟 強硬作風阻激進抬頭

... 民陣線領袖馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)對決。分析認為,菲永在對抗恐怖主義等範疇作風強硬, 能淡化馬琳 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年11月29日

China may give Philippines 'wholesale' access to disputed shoal

... xploiting marine life at a tranquil lagoon that was central to years of bitter squabbling, a sharp reversal in the Philippines' previous policy. At this time, the waters within the shoal are not acces ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-28

Fillon wins big in French conservative presidential primaries

Francois Fillon, a champion of free-market reforms, won France's center-right presidential primaries on Sunday, setting up a likely showdown next year with far-right leader Marine Le Pen. With ballots ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-28


... 國民陣線的馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)雖說在明年五月的總統大選之中被看低一線,但經歷過英國脫歐和特朗 ...全文


專業海洋探索 冒險家潛水腕錶

... 出全球第一款潛水腕錶Marine,裝有可拆除的雙重錶殼,防止海水滲入,解決了潛水員多個在海底作業的難題。及後五 ...全文


As US dollar takes a pause, what lies ahead for euro?

... candidate Marine Le Pen. His victory, if it happens, will mitigate worries that the eurozone will fall apart. In the mean time, two senior officials of the European Central Bank have hinted that super ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-23


... )的主席馬琳.勒龐(Marine Le Pen)有頗大的機會當選(除非她在第二輪的選舉與中間偏右的候選人對決) ...全文



... ers和Tokio Marine Capital。 負利率增投資收益難度 鑑於日本央行年初實施負利率政策,加劇 ...全文


法總統共和黨初選 兩前總理對決
菲永看高一線 未得中間派票源成隱憂

... 極右候選人馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)乘虛而入。 已點算的逾九成選票顯示,菲永得票44.1%,朱佩及 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年11月22日

法前總理菲永 料贏首輪黨內初選

... FN)領袖馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)。 法國著名公共知識分子萊維(Bernard-Henri Le ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年11月21日

A chicken feast in Nansha

... o sip the marine shellfish soup. It's no exaggeration when I say the firstborn eggs from the sunflower chicken were as good as premium-grade eggs from Japan. The yolk was dense. Xinken is a newly desi ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-18

Taiwan throws troubled shipping firms US$1.9 bln lifeline

... Evergreen Marine Corp. and Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp., two of the world’s biggest container operators, the Wall Street Journal reports. It is intended to avert a collapse similar to South Korea’ ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-17

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