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摩通CEO接受緊急心臟手術後 正復元

美國最大銀行摩根大通公布,行政總裁(CEO)戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)已經成功完成緊急的心臟手術,並且處於 ...全文


【信報月刊】李氏大藥廠致力創新 CEO:香港應成為藥物研發中心

禽流感、沙士、甲型H3N2、豬流感……以至這次新冠狀肺炎,香港近年面對一波接一波的疫情,沒有還手之力。以本港為 ...全文


渣打主席傳揀蟀 撤換CEO溫拓思

彭博報道,渣打集團(02888)主席韋浩思(Jose Vinals)考慮撤換行政總裁溫拓思(Bill Wint ...全文


唔賭唔舒服 癮起周身痕

3月3日,周二。COVID-19對環球經濟到底造成多大傷害,要到世界各地第一季宏觀數據陸續公布方見真章。一般而 ...全文


Xerox, HP blame each other as takeover battle heats up

US printer maker Xerox Holdings Corp. took its US$35 billion bid for HP Inc. to the US personal computer maker’s shareholders on Monday, with a formal tender offer and a rebuttal to HP’s account of wh ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-03

SoftBank's Son tells US investors he'll be more careful

SoftBank Group Corp. chief executive Masayoshi Son, under pressure from hedge fund Elliott Management to rein in his mercurial investment style, turned on the charm in a meeting with US investors on M ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-03

Musk tweets support for Dorsey remaining as Twitter CEO

Elon Musk said he supports Jack Dorsey remaining as Twitter Inc.’s chief executive, two days after reports that activist investor Elliott Management Corp. has pushed for his removal from the role. "Ju ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-03

Shareholder calls for separation of J&J's CEO and chairman roles

Trillium Asset Management LLC has called for the separation of Johnson & Johnson's chairman and chief executive officer roles, currently held by Alex Gorsky, Reuters reports, citing a regulatory f ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-03

'Neutron Jack' Welch, who led GE's rapid expansion, dies at 84

Jack Welch, who upended the business world in the 1980s and 1990s by transforming General Electric Co. from a stolid maker of light bulbs and washing machines into the most valuable US public company, ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-03

瑞銀CEO據報年底離職 轉任瑞士再保主席

路透引述消息人士報道稱,瑞銀行政總裁安恩傑(Sergio Ermotti)今年底將離職,加盟瑞士再保險公司擔任 ...全文



有商界傳奇美譽的通用電氣(GE)前行政總裁韋爾奇(Jack Welch)周一逝世,享年84歲。 韋爾奇於198 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年03月03日

港股彈161點 基建股炒起 外圍救市憧憬升溫

新冠肺炎疫情續惹憂慮,美股上周五晚波動,道指曾再插過千點,收市跌357點,不過市場憧憬各國政府出手托經濟,包括 ...全文


Jeju Air buys Eastar Jet at lower price amid virus outbreak

South Korean budget carrier Jeju Air said on Monday that it will acquire 51 percent stake in competitor Eastar Jet for 54.5 billion won (US$45.49 million), Reuters reports. The final acquisition price ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-02

【盤房來料】市況仍未穩 博反彈見好要識收

上周五美股早段一度再深度下跌,幸而尾市跌幅收窄,而今早道指期貨喺亞洲時段亦由早段再跌逾300點扭轉跌勢倒升逾百 ...全文


港屬商界福地 嘆居住環境遜獅城

在馬來西亞出生的鄭閎城,12歲移居鄰國新加坡,2013年任職瑞信期間,被派駐香港出任本港分行的行政總裁,一住3 ...全文


福士SUV銷情佳 上年盈利飆22%

德國最大車廠福士(Volkswagen,又名大眾)公布,2019年的全年營運盈利大升22%,至169億歐羅(約 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年03月02日

維權投資者擬踢走Twitter CEO

路透引述知情人士報道,著名維權投資者、對沖基金Elliott Management最近入股社交網站Twitte ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年03月02日


摩根大通宣布委任郭利博(Filippo Gori)為摩根大通亞太區行政總裁(CEO)。 履新後,郭利博將負責規 ...全文


Apple investor vote sounds 'warning' over China app takedowns

An Apple shareholder proposal critical of the company’s app removals in China received a relatively high level of support at the iPhone maker’s annual meeting on Wednesday, enough to push the company ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-27


數碼轉型,是每一間公司重新尋找價值定位的過程,尤其是在逆境,幾乎是所有老闆、管理層最有興趣的話題,從金融、服務 ...全文


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