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英國巴克萊銀行昨天表示,多家金融監管機構目前正調查其行政總裁斯塔利(James Staley)與美國富豪淫魔愛 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2020年02月14日

瑞信勁賺270億 大增七成

瑞信(Credit Suisse)周四公布業績,2019年全年純利大漲69%,至34億瑞士法郎(約270億港元 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年02月14日

Credit Suisse posts best profit since 2010

Credit Suisse posted a 69 percent rise in annual net profit on Thursday in a bittersweet swan song for outgoing chief executive Tidjane Thiam, Reuters reports. Thiam quit after a spying scandal at the ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-13

Bezos buys Warner Estate in Beverly Hills for US$165 million

Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos, the world’s wealthiest person, has purchased a Beverly Hills mansion known as the Warner Estate from media mogul David Geffen for US$165 million, Reuters reports, ci ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-13


高盛行政總裁(CEO)所羅門(David Solomon)認為,股市沒有認真看待參議員桑德斯(Bernie S ...全文


美高梅撤回今年財務預測 CEO辭職

美高梅中國(02282)母公司美高梅國際酒店公布,因應新冠肺炎疫情撤回今年財務預測。另外,該公司指,Jim M ...全文


高盛前CEO:桑德斯若當選總統 勢毀美經濟

立場左傾的美國佛蒙特州國會參議員桑德斯(Bernie Sanders),以輕微優勢勝出新罕布什爾州舉行的民主黨 ...全文


摩通股東向CEO施壓 促改善氣候暖化

摩根大通有關注氣候暖化議題的維權股東誓言,將在股東周年大會推動通過改善氣候暖化的議案,批評行政總裁戴蒙(Jam ...全文


原子習慣 有德之士

在經濟發達的現代國家和地區,人口多集中在城市。現代城市人和傳統社會的人其中一個大分別是,後者的行為習慣大多遵照 ...全文


選股保持謙卑 小心高估自己

2月12日,周三。蘋果2019年頭,新手機銷路差,Tim Cook調低業績預期,因為盈警,股價重挫,當日一度插 ...全文


越境殺人股價上揚 投身政壇私利掛帥

甲、 一月三日,當美國「公然暗殺」伊朗革命衞隊聖城旅指揮官蘇萊馬尼(Qassem Soleimani)時,筆者 ...全文


What Carrie Lam can learn from two naughty boys

Ricky Wong Wai-kay did it. Joshua Wong Chi-fung did it. But not the Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor administration. We are talking about procurement of masks, the hot commodity everyone wants to get a piec ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-12

【異動板塊】光伏及玻璃板塊跑出 信義光能 福萊特玻璃破頂

光伏及玻璃板塊受惠Tesla概念,今早續跑出。 信義光能(00968)曾升6.5%,見6.58元創新高,現升5 ...全文


Dr. Kong月租25萬駐中環

零售市道急轉直下,大面積舖位需求不再,原由個人護理連鎖店屈臣氏承租的中環裕昌大廈地下連地庫約5200方呎舖位, ...全文


Amazon names Sony executive to lead entertainment unit

Amazon.com Inc. tapped Sony Corp executive Mike Hopkins to lead its Prime video platform as well as its movie and television studios, Reuters reports. Hopkins, currently chairman of Sony Pictures Tele ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-11


風險投資(VC)向來是男性天下,在基金擔任高層的女性不多,惟近年情況有所改變。標榜支持女性創業的非牟利組織Al ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年02月11日

肺疫肆虐 大摩捐780萬助抗疫

摩根士丹利宣布,公司與全球員工共同承諾捐贈100萬美元(780萬港元)資金,助中國抗擊新型冠狀病毒肺炎。 大摩 ...全文


Queue-it applies ‘queuing psychology’ to help online retailers

(First of a two-part series) The coronavirus outbreak has sparked panic-buying in Hong Kong, with residents snapping up all the surgical masks they could find as well as daily necessities such as rice ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-10

Queue-it eyes Asia expansion amid online sales boom

(Second of a two-part series) "Virtual waiting room" technology firm Queue-it, launched in 2010 in Copenhagen, Denmark, provides a first-in, first-out online waiting system for transactional websites, ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-10

Ford shakes up top management, vows faster turnaround

Ford Motor Co on Friday shook up its top management, naming strategy chief Jim Farley as chief operating officer and promising skeptical investors the company will kick a slow-moving turnaround into a ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-10

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