
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

US chip testing firm urges blocking sale of rival to China fund

Citing national-security concerns, US semiconductor-testing company Cohu Inc. is mounting a quiet campaign to derail the planned US$580 million sale of American rival Xcerra Corp. to a Chinese state-b ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-16

炒厭龍頭科企 大鱷移情阿里

上周本欄回顧過去大半年港股走勢,指出「馬太效應」強者恒強已成為新常態。北水南下催生了市況兩極化,從恒指年初迄今 ...全文


如經濟轉型成功 兩年後恒指可見四萬

朝鮮半島局勢仍頗緊張,習主席跟特朗普總統通話似有幫助,但現在關鍵問題有兩點:1)短期內朝鮮會否再發射導彈,不論 ...全文


大行力捧 內房股延升浪
宏觀風險下降 毛利率顯著上揚

內地樓市銷情理想,內房股股價節節上升,各家內房將相繼公布上半年業績。分析員認為,行業毛利率顯著上升;加上宏觀風 ...全文


Asian equities power ahead

Equities are having a strong year, driven by synchronized global growth and improved corporate earnings – and Asia has been in the fast lane, benefiting from both top-down and bottom-up tailwinds. On ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-10

Ethereum seen as hedge against financial crisis: Gatecoin

"We received lots of enquiries from inexperienced investors over the last two to three months. These are people who have never even invested in the stock market before, and they have no idea what [Eth ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-10

The people's game, but which people?

If there is one sport that unites the world, from the cafes of France and barrios of Spain to the favelas of Brazil and souqs of Qatar, then it is surely football. The beautiful game, the global game, ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-10

Malaysia forex probe may lead to prosecution of former PM

Malaysia’s government on Tuesday launched an inquiry into massive foreign-exchange losses by the central bank more than two decades ago, in a probe that could lead to criminal prosecution of former Pr ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-09

軟銀攻印度 擬156億注Flipkart

日本軟銀(SoftBank)周一公布季度業績時,透露有意投資印度最大電商Flipkart,但未有提及雙方洽談細 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年08月09日

孫正義魅力過人 軟銀如異端教派

有些信仰認為,信仰成熟是指信徒能夠放棄世俗事物的時候。這大概也是日本軟銀創辦人孫正義的信條,他本周就滿60歲, ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年08月09日


日本軟銀公布截至6月底的首季度業績,由於納入了「願景基金」(Vision Fund)的收入,期內營運盈利按年升 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年08月08日

Can rental reform cool home prices in China?

Chinese authorities have unveiled a pilot rental reform program in a bid to tame skyrocketing home prices. Twelve cities, including Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Hangzhou, have been chosen for the ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-07


領航(Vanguard)亞洲銷售及中介業務董事總經理陸穎詩表示,由於今年環球市況變化太快,許多互惠基金跑輸基準 ...全文


神都冇面畀 投降有啟示

8月6日,周日。油市難玩,連神級好友都要扯白旗!被行家尊稱為「神」的著名期油交易員霍爾(Andy Hall) ...全文


Qatar’s 220 million-euro splash on Neymar may not be smart move

The world transfer market has just set a new record, with Paris Saint-Germain reportedly paying 220 million euros for Barcelona forward Neymar. It is more than double the current world record fee of 8 ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-04

Global capital flowing into Europe, Asia ETFs

As exchange-traded funds (ETFs) continue to gain popularity, the sector has become so big that it can now serve as a reliable indicator of global fund flows. Exchange-traded products (ETP), which had ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-03

Sunac to raise US$1 billion to refinance debt after buying spree

Acquisitive Chinese property developer Sunac China Holdings Ltd. (01918.HK) will raise US$1 billion from banks to refinance its current debts, Reuters reports, citing a filing by the company. Sunac ha ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-03

從ETF資金流向 發掘隱藏投資訊息

以往投資者要捕捉金融市場資金流向的常用方法,是透過傳統互惠基金(mutual fund)量度有多少資金流入或流 ...全文



今年上半年金融市場缺乏流動性,這打擊了「宏觀」對沖基金,但這並未阻止一些投資者押注下半年形勢可能改觀。 201 ...全文


Tenants of subdivided flats pay higher water, electricity bills

Tenants of subdivided flats pay higher water bills than the actual bill for a comparable family size, a survey has found. The survey was conducted by the Alliance for Social Protection of Low Income F ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-31

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