
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

Taiwan: world's top foundry aims to be startup hub

Jerry Yang, Kai-Fu Lee, Steve Chen: what do they have in common? They are all top-tier Silicon Valley stars who were born in Taiwan. Taiwan has been well known for manufacturing semiconductor for deca ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-27

Let’s 'taobao' – beyond the credit bubble of China’s football

“Taobao”, a Chinese term which means finding treasure, is part of a bigger process which is discreetly transforming the payment system and money or credit creation in the country. In the China Super L ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-26

Greece gets solid demand for first bond issue in three years

Greece got solid demand Tuesday for its first bond issuance in three years, in what the government sees as the first of several moves that will enable the debt-ridden country to wean itself from new b ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-26

鐵貨蓄勢破位 投機性收集

大宗商品價格的上升,令不少礦務股帶來理想業績,而部分市場忽視的規範較少礦務股或有留意價值。 鐵貨(01029) ...全文


HNA reveals ownership amid mounting pressure

HNA Group Co. disclosed it’s controlled by a couple of charities as the acquisitive Chinese conglomerate, whose overseas investments have come under scrutiny, seeks to dispel concerns about its owners ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-25


桑德國際(00967)於去年4月被證監會引用《證券及期貨條例》第8.1條勒令停牌,集團昨天宣布,其大股東正考慮 ...全文


Will Hong Kong market soar above 30,000 points again?

It’s widely debated whether the Hang Seng Index can hit 30,000 points again. In fact, I was asked the same prospect 10 years ago when China floated the so-called through train scheme in August 2007. U ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-24

Global growth forecasts steady but China, eurozone stronger

The International Monetary Fund kept its growth forecasts for the world economy unchanged for this year and next, Reuters reports. It revised up growth expectations for the eurozone and China The IMF ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-24

Philippine property stocks rally seen to keep going

Philippine real-estate stocks will extend a market-beating rally, unfazed by the most expensive valuation in four years, Bloomberg reports, citing the country’s biggest money manager. The Philippine S ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-24


由於立法會的宣誓風波,再有4名議員被取消議席。其中一個惹人關注的焦點是,泛民主派將會失去分組點票的否決權,讓建 ...全文



日本軟銀集團一改之前投資機械人、電腦科技等習慣,首度染指農業。該公司牽頭的願景基金(Vision Fund), ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年07月21日


7月20日,周四。1988年首爾(當時還稱漢城)奧運,加拿大籍黑人跑手莊遜(Ben Johnson)不僅在10 ...全文


Stock-picking: Spotting the stars with Driehaus strategy

Given the recent market conditions which saw strong stocks become even stronger, the strategy of picking outperforming counters assumes ever greater importance. This week, we apply the Richard Driehau ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-20

Logistics seen as new lifeblood of China economy

Oil has been long considered the lifeblood of the global economy. Nations have tried their best to protect oil shipping routes. But oil dependence has started to fall thanks to nuclear energy and tech ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-20

HK must change mentality to seize Belt & Road opportunities

Hong Kong's government, companies and people need to change their mentality if they are to seize the business opportunities offered by Beijing’s One Belt, One Road (B&R) initiative, said the chair ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-20

Wanda amends Sunac property deal amid China funding curbs

Chinese commercial property conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group altered a deal with Sunac China (1918.HK) announced a week ago, after banks scrutinized their credit risk, by bringing in another developer ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-20

HK must change mentality to seize Belt & Road opportunities

Hong Kong's government, companies and people need to ch ...全文

今日信報時事評論Mark O’Neill2017年07月20日

China's journey toward a cash-free society

Here is a story from Tao Dong, managing director and senior advisor with Credit Suisse Private Banking Asia Pacific, about his experiences during recent trips to China. When Tao was waiting at the Zhe ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-19

爭做董事 沒事找事

「大膽信任,小心求證」(trust, but verify)。美國前總統列根在處理蘇聯裁減核武的問題上喜歡引用 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年07月19日

Professionals need to be investors, too

Six students, who have achieved perfect scores in this year’s Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) exams, have all chosen to study medicine. While it is a noble choice, becoming a doctor may not be th ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-17

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