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拜登簽法案 解密新冠起源資訊

... 新冠病毒起源法案》(COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023),使之成為法律。拜登在聲明中強調, ...全文



... 一日、兩日遊。誰想到COVID-19出現,浪費了3年光陰。2月底之行,主要因不想浪費去年中臨時取消的Euros ...全文


疫下三載 5萬新冠保單獲賠9億
保險投訴去年607宗 COVID佔近一成

本港自2020年爆發新冠疫情(COVID-19)至今持續約3年時間,保險投訴局轄下保險索償投訴委員會(以下簡稱 ...全文


Risk management is the alpha for a time of uncertainty

... , China’s Covid-19 lockdowns stifled demand and choked production and Russia’s war against Ukraine sent energy and food prices skyrocketing. As the quantitative easing support programmes for markets f ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-16

A new era of McCarthyism

... whammy of COVID-19 and the broader geopolitical tectonic shifts in which they have been embroiled. A decade ago, Britain had pursued a so-called ‘Golden Era’ of relations with China – in ways and with ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-10

Evidence for equity

... efore the COVID-19 crisis, the world broadly adopted the most representative method for collecting household data: surveys. But the pandemic forced a shift toward phone-based surveys, which are less l ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-08


... 在,所有這些變化已因COVID-19疫情和烏克蘭戰爭而惡化。無論兩會要出台的經濟戰略是什麼,均必須能適應變化, ...全文


The climate security failure

... uring the COVID-19 pandemic, no one is safe until everyone is safe. Copyright: Project Syndicate-- Contact us at [email protected]   ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-06

Hello, Dior 999! Goodbye, N95!

... spread of Covid-19 yet they are also the most inhumane way that most of the 7 billion people on the planet had to put up with. Now take a deep breath and smile. We must have lost count of how many mas ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-01


... 然沒有讓他鬆懈下來。COVID-19封鎖期間,他與女友一起在家做朱古力,發覺原來自己對此極有天份,結果由女友負 ...全文


A whole new era for shoppers

... ct of the COVID-19 pandemic. Local consumers are exposed to a wider variety of payment methods. JPMorgan’s Global E-Commerce Trends Report expects digital wallets to replace cards as the first payment ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-28

India at a crossroads

... owing the COVID-19 slump. Yet the model that has driven India’s growth now threatens to constrain it. The main risks to India’s development prospects are more micro and structural than macro or cyclic ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-23

Food waste reduction alleviates landfill dilemma

... 2020. The COVID-19 epidemic and the scourge of war have further worsened the situation. We should cherish food, and as long as we follow the slogan of "Food Wise and Waste Reduction" to reduce food wa ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-21


COVID-19真有點討厭,「羊」了超過兩個月,仍未「斷尾」——支氣管十分敏感,稍有刺激,譬如喝了咖啡,或口腔 ...全文


Post Covid bounce masks profound shifts in China's growth

... lry, peak Covid-19 infection levels, and property sector problems will test the resolve of the Chinese leadership. These problems mean the debt-fuelled growth model is irrelevant, rendering historical ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-20


... 議,討論如何簡化未來COVID-19疫苗接種。更要開發一種單劑量品種,每年接種一次,在將來疫苗開發上,需要向疫 ...全文


Smartwatch data may ease medical burden

... ears. The COVID-19 epidemic has accelerated the trend, because blood oxygen level (SpO2) is regarded as a quick and convenient method to confirm whether one is infected and can be used to monitor reco ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-15

It’s high time to drop all masks

... e. Whilst COVID-19 has yet to disappear, it’s apparent that the pandemic is well and truly over for Hong Kong. It’s high time that our public health measures reflected this – not just in virtue of the ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-14

Rebuilding trust in science

... uring the COVID-19 pandemic. True, such developments also reflect growing distrust of government and institutions and acute political polarization in many countries. But these problems feed on the mea ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-14

Smart solution alleviates vision problems

... se to the COVID-19 epidemic has triggered a “myopia boom” in school children in Hong Kong, according to a study by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The study found a 2.5-fold increase in my ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-10

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