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... nnovation Centre)。 項目最高三層早前以近12億元連命名權出售予南洋商業銀行,樓面面積共涉及超 ...全文


Energising HK's creative industries through cultural big data

... eets-West centre for international cultural exchange" in the Mainland's 14th Five-Year Plan? In recent years, there have been a lot of discussions about establishing a national cultural big data in th ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-23

英特工涉虐女友 軍情五處被投訴

... 司法中心」(The Centre for Women's Justice)表示,貝絲要求法庭調查軍情五處在招募 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年05月21日

Premium brands poised to benefit from global reopening

... be taking centre stage in terms of growth. The US market saw an average of 30% sale growth in Q1 for some luxury conglomerates, confirming strong appetite in the US for premium brands. This growth has ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-12

No health without mental health

...  the HKJC Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention (CSRP), University of Hong Kong, that the government should reopen some recreational facilities as soon as possible, because leisure activities are ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-10

Europe is its own enemy in Ukraine

... ng to the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air, a Finnish research group, Russian revenue from its fossil-fuel exports may have doubled since the invasion. Two months later, there is a growing ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-04

Dealing with tsunami of mental health problems

The Suicide Prevention Early Warning System developed by the HKJC Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention at the University of Hong Kong found that the number of suicide cases in Hong Kong rose fro ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-03


... facturing Centre,AMC)周五正式啟動,為企業提供高規格,以及為先進製造業而設的生產基地,協助 ...全文


Horse racing never dies

... ff-course centre for cashing in their winning tickets, or depositing cash to renew their hopes of eventually winning. That is good news for the horse racing lovers who religiously go to betting centre ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-20

Foreign businesses in China count rising cost of the pandemic

... the China Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in December found that, if China followed the model of these rich countries, it would have more than 637,000 daily cases, including over 22,000 seve ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-11

Help or hindrance?

... financial centre in Asia. The obdurate refusal to withdraw the bill in the face of massive popular opposition led to the socially and economically destructive protest movement, brutally repressive res ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-06

農村轉型商住 科技園坐鎮

... omposites Centre為科技園目前最大租客。 鄰近的倉庫公司Vertex Park,11個倉庫只餘3 ...全文



... 調機構Levada Centre顯示,自俄烏戰爭爆發後,俄羅斯民眾對普京的支持率為83%,較2月攻打烏國前上升 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年04月01日

Putin’s war: Rational, irrational or boundedly rational?

... ant urban centre in south Ukraine have held daily protests against the Russian occupation. Zelensky’s approval rating rose to 90% following the invasion. While Russian forces suffered huge losses and ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-30


... ournalism Centre)宣布,獲比爾及梅琳達.蓋茨基金會贊助400萬美元,啟動一個「解困新聞學加速計 ...全文


China will pay high price for supporting Putin’s invasion

...  Research Centre of the Counselor’s Office of the State Council, in an article written on March 5 and published in English by the U.S.-China Perception Monitor. “Russia’s ‘special military operation’ ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-24

China will pay high price for Putin's invasion

...  Research Centre of the Counselor's Office of the State ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年03月24日


... 心(Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research)教授安德森(Kevi ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年03月23日

A decade lost:How can HK reach its REIT potential?

...  and data centres – should be explored. Most of the H-REITs focus only on residential and commercial properties, such as shopping malls, hotel and office buildings, within their portfolios, in contras ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-15


... Southbank Centre),為市民提供了畫廊、音樂廳和展覽廳等文化藝術設施,及後英國電影學院(Brit ...全文


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