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... 我手說:「Just go out of this station and walk left.10 minut ...全文


What can individuals do in the age of geopolitics?

I was invited to address a TEDx a couple of weeks ago, here in Hong Kong. After five to six days of back-and-forth deliberation, I settled upon a topic that I thought would be germane, not just for th ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-05

Europe fears China will dump excess production

...  This was good news for China – but not for its main trading partners, especially the European Union, a priority market for the three industries. Such is the alarm among producers in Europe that last ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-05

How the Chinese economy can find its mojo back

... 45 years ago, China stood at a crossroads. Freshly emerging from the death of Chairman Mao Zedong and the arrests of the conspiratorial Machiavellian Gang of Four, the 956 million-strong country found ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-29


懲教署與香港中華廠商聯合會今日在伊利沙伯體育館合辦青少年音樂劇場《重新啟航GO GO GOAL!》,超過200 ...全文



... ou cannot go back as you do upon a book.)約翰遜口中的「人人」,指的當 ...全文


上月收入17億 首奪暢銷手遊冠軍

手遊市場跑出「黑馬」,由經典桌遊《大富翁》(Monopoly)改編的手遊Monopoly GO!撼贏騰訊(00 ...全文


Do we have a right to love?

... lovers to go around. The claim, or so it goes, is that human beings have a tentative right to love – to be loved by others, which is to be treated and viewed with love by others. It is beyond the remi ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-16

穩中求進 以進固穩 中銀香港推動高質量發展

... 繼推出「中銀香港跨境GO」、「灣區·商贏」系列方案,提速粵港澳大灣區金融業務發展。「跨境理財通」開戶量及資金匯 ...全文


韓廉航客機冒火光 疑飛鳥撞引擎肇禍

... 被迫放棄降落並重飛(Go-Around),20分鐘後平安着陸,事件中無人受傷,初步相信飛鳥撞到客機引擎。 乘客 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年01月12日


... 有多少人分享和爆紅(go viral)的機會率,結果發現無論從速度、深度和廣度看,假新聞的傳播能力都要比真新聞 ...全文



新年伊始,科技業頻頻傳來裁員消息,最新包括亞馬遜和Alphabet旗下Google,顯示業界去年以來的裁員行動 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年01月12日

Rank dishonour

... shall not go there. The focus of interest has to be on politicians and those who contribute, financially, to their advancement. There appears to be a rough rule of thumb, dating back to Lloyd George, ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-11


... errily We Go to Hell,港譯《寒濤儷影》,跟英文片名風馬牛不相及。男主角馬殊是個專欄作家,初 ...全文



萬通保險推出全新一站式增值服務平台YF GO!,為客戶於不幸患病或遇上緊急事故時,提供一站式支援,涵蓋初步診斷 ...全文


Data protection rules in China

...  pass a rigorous government security assessment, which, under the Data Security Law of China, applies to all exports of 'important data'; • execute and file a standard contract (SCC), along with a dat ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-28


商湯科技(00020)將於下周五(1月5日)「圍棋之日」,在日本推出圍棋版機械人SenseRobot Go,透 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2023年12月28日


... 流動應用程式「HA Go」預約診症時間。 長者安居協會透露,由16日至22日早上時,「一線通平安鐘」支援中心共 ...全文


Why the Colorado ruling could well backfire

... t the demagogue’s past antics, argue that insurrect he indeed did in the run-up to January 6th 2021, as he sought to inflame tensions and cast unwarranted doubt over the legitimacy of the last Preside ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-22

How Hong Kong can boost startups and AI applications

...  the AI algorithm is used to spot clothing and silhouettes especially in places such as under the shade of trees, which are easy for the naked eye to miss. AI can significantly save image recognition ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-21

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