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微軟AI團隊疏忽 洩密3年
錯配SAS令牌 38TB數據任睇

... 例如Surface Go 4、Surface Laptop Studio 2及Surface Laptop G ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2023年09月20日


... 超市(Amazon Go),顧客可透過Amazon Go應用程式進入商店,選購所需商品,然後直接離開,毋須在收 ...全文


The Dangers of Groupthink

... ctively negotiated, loosely defined, and often only partially justified conception of events. Reality is hence constructed and substituted with by propositions that are least refutable. The search for ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-18

What is there to love about Hong Kong

... ty years ago as an aspiring civil servant, who has now retired to a life of modest, rustic comfort in Sai Kung. The Japanese investment banker who found his first pot of gold in this city, and decided ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-18

Why enterprises are fully embracing the hybrid model

... ced since going hybrid. 54% said they had more time to spend cooking nutritious food, while almost half said they were eating more fruits and vegetables than before. Perhaps unsurprisingly, many hybri ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-14


... 達(Jean-Lu Godard)。他生於1930年,30歲拍第一部長片《斷了氣》,便獲得柏林影展最佳導演銀熊 ...全文


In Xi’s China, security trumps economy

In the China of President Xi Jinping, security trumps economy. This means that the government is unlikely to meet its 2023 growth target of five per cent. The large stimulus package that would be need ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-11

Colour blind

... tion, the government, with uncharacteristic but commendable restraint, merely drew the attention of the shop owners to the discomfiture that the cartoons were causing one or more members of the public ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-07

Meta傳夥LG製新眼罩 後年登場料售過萬元

... ,例如Oculus Go由小米(01810)製造,Oculus Rift S由聯想(00992)聯合設計及製造 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2023年09月06日

China, doubling BRICS size, challenges U.S.-led global order

... ke global governance more just and equitable," Xi said in Johannesburg, seemingly confirming reports of division within BRICS, with the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, and the Brazilian presiden ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-05


... Life must go on道出心聲。 陳湛文愈來愈有大將之風,他的戲揮灑自如,跟女兒的吵嘴和掃地收場,既有 ...全文


What personal qualities do we need in the future?

... With AlphaGo defeating the world Go human champion in 2016 and the generative artificial intelligence (AI) ChatGPT released at the end of 2022, people start thinking again whether advanced technologie ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-30

The fossil-fuel industry’s obstructionist climate-change tactics

... lition of governments, civil-society organizations, indigenous communities, and concerned citizens around the world is rallying behind the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. Representing an actiona ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-30


... 局手機應用程式HA Go的「照顧者」,及「我的子女」模式安排,方便專科門診病人的家人或照顧者,以及18歲以下病 ...全文


Hong Kong is losing its appeal for Westerners

... eneral Gregory May said that about 20 per cent of Ameri ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年08月26日

Hong Kong is losing its appeal for Westerners

... eneral Gregory May said that about 20 per cent of Americans in the city had departed over the previous two years, leaving 70,000 U.S. individuals and 1,300 companies in the city. “Companies should be ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-24


... 遊戲Pokémon GO,只要用智能手機安裝「賽馬會AR藝術教育計劃2023」應用程式,便可探索周圍的AR 3 ...全文


What Lan Kwai Fong father says about nightlife economy

... locals to go to Shenzhen because it offers better service, quality and a more creative menu at the same time, he said, noting that the local restaurants must change instead of lamenting about poor bus ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-23


... show must go on,除非你no show,你接了工作就要交貨,你既已在現場出現,製作組基本上只會將 ...全文


Why is US inflation falling?

... ation can go. And, in fact, today many of the temporary factors appear to be mitigating inflation rather than fueling it. If inflation does painlessly fall to 2%, we should celebrate – and engage in m ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-18

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