
共 89 個結果
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投資者836萬購THE JAVA一房

北角THE JAVA低層C室,實用面積344方呎,1房及儲物室間隔,向東北,景觀開揚,原業主以836萬元將單位 ...全文


HK in no rush after countries close airspace to 737 MAX flights

...  into the Java Sea, killing 189 people on board. As of Wednesday, only the United States and Canada among the major travel destinations have continued to allow 737 MAX aircraft to operate. Chinese For ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-13


... 少政府網上服務仍要求JAVA外掛,新加坡已在幾年前開始逐步進行數碼政府革新;她去年6月發表數碼政府藍圖,目標包 ...全文


Google asks US Supreme Court to end Oracle copyright case

...  Oracle’s Java programming language to create the Android operating system was permissible under US copyright law. A jury cleared Google in 2016, but the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit re ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-25

Indonesian micro-retail tech startup raises fresh funds

... t in East Java last December. In a press statement, Warung Pintar claimed that it has increased the income of its partner kiosk owners by 41 percent. Through digitalization, the traditional mom-and-p ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-22

醫療影像大賽連勝兩場 港AI癌症診斷技壓全球

... 寫外滙交易系統,其中JAVA是他最常接觸的程式語言。直至3年多前,他開始接觸另一種熱門程式語言Python,「 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年01月02日

Tsunami kills at least 222 in Indonesia after volcano eruption

A tsunami killed at least 222 people and injured hundreds on the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra over the weekend following an underwater landslide believed to have been caused by the erupting ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-24

Flight control problems reported before Lion Air crash: probers

A pilot of a doomed Lion Air jet told air traffic control that the plane was experiencing a “flight control problem” shortly before it crashed into the Java Sea last month, Indonesian investigators sa ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-28


... 。」 龐鼎全任教的「Java計算機程式入門」,在2016年亦榮登edX最受歡迎課程榜第六位,提高了科大的國際知 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年11月05日


... 況下,網站設計所用的Java Script往往也是由第三方服務商供應。 因此,英航的客戶資料外洩,大家懷疑並非 ...全文


THE JAVA三房向北1485萬轉手

北角THE JAVA中層C室,實用面積690方呎,3房間隔,座向北面,望開揚景,獲區外換樓人士以1485萬元承 ...全文


Indonesian plane with 189 aboard crashes into sea

... ed in the Java Sea in December 2015. Under international rules, the US National Transportation Safety Board will automatically assist with the inquiry into Monday’s crash, backed up by technical advis ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-29

THE JAVA高層四房2700萬成交

北角THE JAVA高層B室,實用面積864方呎,4房套房及工人房間隔,附有露台,坐享紅磡至郵輪碼頭海景,原業 ...全文


樓市快訊:THE JAVA兩房870萬承接

北角THE JAVA高層B室,實用面積388方呎,2房間隔,向北,坐享海景。中原地產透露,業主以870萬元將單 ...全文


甲骨文告谷歌侵權案 發回三藩市法院審理

... 定,谷歌使用甲骨文的Java開發平台創建Android操作系統,並不受到版權法合理使用條款的保護。 該案件始於 ...全文


Device allows more time for elderly, disabled to cross street

... ssings on Java Road in North Point by tapping their card on the device, hk01.com reports. It was the first location chosen for the device that can extend the green light signal for pedestrians by abou ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-26

YOHO Midtown 1380萬破頂
《施政》無辣招 買家急搶盤

... 的北角單幢樓THE JAVA,項目最後一個36樓連天台特色戶周五落實沽出,實用面積1608方呎,附1421方呎 ...全文


倫敦Leamouth Peninsula享臨河優勢
藝術文化新區 340萬港元做「島主」

... %至17.9%,當中Java House(又稱Lighthouse Building)101室,實用面積810 ...全文


青年會書院校長 成功全天候推STEM

... 他便想到用語言程式(Java Programs),把平面的物理理論用動畫表現出來,幫助同學理解,也令教學加添了 ...全文



... 務的電子表格依然使用JAVA,令用戶非常不便。 4. 智能身份證:電子證書使用率低、申請不便而且用處極少,現時 ...全文


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