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亞馬遜傳洽購美院線Landmark Theatres

電商巨頭亞馬遜(Amazon)據報正在準備收購洛杉磯連鎖電影院Landmark Theatres,此舉將讓該公 ...全文


North, South Korea agree on third summit to be held in Pyongyang

...  at their landmark summit in Singapore in June to work towards the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. North Korea has denounced US-led efforts to maintain sanctions despite what Pyongyang says ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-13

Li Zhanshu's Fujian visit was no routine local inspection trip

...  of that “landmark” article and also the 40th anniversary of China’s economic reforms, the state media had started mounting a nationwide propaganda campaign for the "Jinjiang experience" since early J ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-08

Trump willing to talk to Iran's leader without preconditions

...  from the landmark 2015 international agreement designed to deny Tehran the ability to build nuclear weapons. Since then, Tehran’s clerical establishment has been under increasing US pressure and the ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-31


... 龍觀塘巧明街100號Landmark East友邦九龍大樓27樓。 ...全文


地產行程 7月21日

0930 沙田九肚澐瀚揀樓地點:九龍觀塘巧明街100號Landmark East友邦九龍大樓27樓 1600 ...全文


Siemens inks deal with Alibaba for China loT partnership

... tion is a landmark deal for bringing Industry 4.0-solutions to China as the world’s powerhouse of manufacturing,” Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser said. The German firm also flagged plans to work with China’s S ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-10


... 認識到更多投資者。 Landmark Capital管理合伙人吳任輝則同意指,家族辦公室的投資期較長,對正在發 ...全文


Over 50% of Hongkongers now support same-sex marriage: HKU study

...  issued a landmark ruling on Wednesday upholding a British lesbian’s right to get a dependent's visa for her partner. According to a survey conducted by the HKU Centre for Comparative and Public Law ( ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-04

Top court grants British lesbian right to spousal visa

The Court of Final Appeal ruled on Wednesday that a British lesbian should be granted a spousal visa, upholding a lower court’s decision, in a landmark judgment that could open the door for expatriate ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-04

Time for China to eliminate dog meat from dinner tables

A South Korean court delivered a landmark verdict recently. Handling a lawsuit filed by an animal welfare organization against a dog farm operator in the city of Bucheon, the court ruled that it is ag ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-28

Trump: N Korea blowing up test sites; officials see no new moves

... e since a landmark summit last week, Reuters reports. Trump said at a Cabinet meeting in the White House on Thursday: “They’ve stopped the sending of missiles, including ballistic missiles. They’re de ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-22


泛海國際(00129)執行董事關堡林稱,旗下加拿大溫哥華住宅項目Landmark On Robson提供237 ...全文


溫哥華住宅本月登場 入場費810萬

泛海國際(00129)旗下加拿大溫哥華住宅項目Landmark On Robson,將於本月在港發售,入場費約 ...全文


US net neutrality rules expire

... on’s 2015 landmark net neutrality rules by a 3-2 vote, sparking a firestorm of criticism. The 2015 order subjected internet providers to strict regulations by the FCC, arguing consumers needed protect ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-12

Trump upbeat ahead of talks with N Korea's Kim

... eaded for landmark talks that US officials hope could eventually lead to the dismantling of Pyongyang's nuclear program. While Trump was optimistic about the outcome, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-12

Trump, Kim in Singapore for landmark summit

US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un arrived in Singapore on Sunday ahead of a historic June 12 summit that American officials hope could lay the groundwork for denuclearizati ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-11

How party officials are trying too hard in singing praises of Xi

... eech as a landmark that points the party to the right direction in a way that transcends history and links the past and future. He also said that Xi’s speech was the embodiment of his charisma, his pr ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-25

輪后轉戰廚房 創作健康甜品

... 牌,我當時很幸運投得Landmark的Pop-up shop位置,我想這就是命運,就去做吧!」 下定決心的背後 ...全文


Denuclearization pledge not result of US-led sanctions: N Korea

North Korea's denuclearization pledge, made at the landmark inter-Korean summit late last month, was not the result of US-led sanctions and pressure, Pyongyang said on Sunday, warning the United State ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-07

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