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清邁 文青秘境

... 日,更會在Maya Mall前舉行Night Out Market,攤檔大部分售賣自家製的品牌如衣飾、精品、手 ...全文


港鐵前Mall姐 布袋世界活出真我

... 的推廣,同事戲稱我「Mall姐」;很多人都想晉身大企業尋找「升呢的階梯」,2013年毅然放棄如日方中的事業,獨 ...全文


利嘉閣地產成深圳「AT Mall」 香港區獨家代理

利嘉閣地產榮獲泰德邦投資及金百盛投資控股(集團)委託,成為旗下深圳頂級商業項目「AT Mall」的香港區獨家銷 ...全文


REITs: What determines their performance?

... xample, a mall landlord can promote retail spending by managing the trade mix and brand mix. A mall targeting a young clientele, for example, will likely have different brands and product types than a ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-27

深圳AT MALL港發售 推61舖位呎價2.2萬

... 的深圳商業項目AT MALL,在港發售約61個舖位,建築面積約570至2368方呎,每方米入場價約20萬元人民 ...全文


深圳AT MALL舖位入場費1200萬

泰德邦投資拓展總經理黃麗娜說,該集團與金百盛投資(集團)合作發展的深圳商業項目AT MALL,將推出部分舖位來 ...全文


地產行程 6月26日

1200 利嘉閣地產獲委託成為AT MALL香港區獨家銷售代理地點:尖沙咀千禧新世界香港酒店2樓大宴會廳 15 ...全文


位處布里斯本市中心 首期港幣23餘萬起
天賜豪園SPIRE RESIDENCE 本周獨家香港發售

... en Street Mall,步行3分鐘可到Spring Hill Marketplace,滿足住戶高端購物娛 ...全文


One Bus set to offer daily HK-Macau services using mega bridge

...  shopping mall in Kwun Tong and The Venetian Macao hotel in Macau. The frequency is every hour during the day and every 90 minutes at nighttime. Each bus has 53 seats, according to media reports. All ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-15

Man undergoes two brain surgeries after falling from ladder

...  shopping mall in Tsuen Wan at around 10 p.m. on Monday, hk01.com reports. A co-worker found him lying unconscious on the ground and called the police. Responding paramedics rushed him to Princess Mar ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-13

Times Square wants Liu Xiaobo bust, exhibit removed

...  LSD, the mall, which is owned by Wharf Properties Limited, said it has received complaints from the public about the misuse of the mall space, referring to the exhibit. It also warned that it plans t ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-11


...  我走到樓下IFC Mall打電話給她。好一個四川辣妹,竟然cut我線。跟着她的WhatsApp到:「請看微信 ...全文


Worker in critical condition after freak accident at mall

A 36-year-old man is in critical condition in a hospital after a work-related accident at the Langham Place mall in Mong Kok on Monday. The man, along with three workers, was moving a wooden plank to ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-05

Alarm sounded over disposable items waste at food courts

...  shopping mall in Mong Kok has a more eco-friendly food court that provides 0.35 disposable item for each meal, with 6, 421 items projected to be wasted monthly. As far as eateries are concerned, the ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-01


萬事達卡(Mastercard)宣布與HKTVmall成為合作夥伴,並加強與預約的士應用程式HKTaxi合作。 ...全文


Tencent steps into smart retail with Carrefour

... tter Life Mall in the retail industry. Alibaba has made several acquisitions in the retail sector and is involved deeply in their operations, but Tencent is opting not to get engaged directly in runni ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-25

一田購物優惠日524 萬件筍貨2折起

... MOKO及YOHO MALL I大賣行李喼、Mikiki推售床品及東港城同時發售床品及休閒服飾。 10間分店( ...全文


HKTV burns a Mercedes every day

... iness HKTVmall is losing half a million dollars a day. Well, that's a marked improvement from earlier when it was in the hole by HK$$1 million a day, before trimming the losses down to HK$800,000 a da ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-16


... 舖營運。 HKTV mall日蝕50萬「輸少咗」 他提到,香港電視經營HKTV mall初期,每天輸100萬元 ...全文



... 香港電視的HKTV mall感謝祭於本周一開始,會後他表示,感謝祭銷售理想,首日已爆單,而今日瀏覽人數曾高達7 ...全文


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