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In memory of father of marine ecological conservation in HK

... -renowned marine ecologist who worked diligently and maintained a serious attitude. He had taught Ecology and Biodiversity at the University of Hong Kong since the 1970s until his retirement in 2003. ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-03


... 科學家在海洋微藻類(Marine Microalgae)中亦發現ω-3脂肪酸,有望成為新一代的Super Fo ...全文


The new measure of corporate success

... carbonize marine operations.” Similarly, in aviation, Airbus is leading the way with plans to deploy a carbon-neutral hydrogen-powered aircraft by 2035. Its chief executive, Guillaume Faury, sees this ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-30

Swire pledges additional HK$150 million for TrustTomorrow

... ducation, Marine Conservation and the Arts, the three focus areas within the TrustTomorrow initiative. The projects will be funded over a period of one to three years to encourage youth empowerment, p ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-25

Using spatial information to boost digital transformation

... f stalls, marine ranching management); and even mobility planning (helping citizens avoid crowds or long waiting time during peak hours in different scenarios, such as in subway, emergency room, and h ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-22

A triple win for oceans, climate, and us

... h-largest marine protected area (MPA). Tristan da Cunha hosts the breeding grounds for more than three-quarters of the world’s remaining northern rockhoppers, an endangered species. With the archipela ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-19

Overcoming the climate challenge

... vastating marine life. Second, in addition to action by cities and national pledges – including in the Asia-Pacific region – to become carbon-neutral over the next few decades, ordinary citizens must ...More

EJ Insight2021-02-05


... 跑步,更在1984年Marine Corps Marathon跑出最佳個人時間(PB)3小時37分。 Dr. ...全文


拜登今登基 大典非典型
動盪惡疫交煎 美國團結為先 虛擬巡遊表演

... 隊無聲操槍排(US Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon),以及來自全國的步操樂 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年01月20日

摩登意菜 新姿新味

... 氣。藍色的「海洋浪花Marine Splash」為無酒精之選,用上熱情果漿、西柚果汁,及不含酒精的「烈酒」調成 ...全文


美警告太平洋島國 關注中資參建海底電纜可能

... 分拆的Huawei Marine聯同法國的Alcatel Submarine Networks、日本NEC與芬 ...全文


Must we risk destroying the ocean to save the planet?

... gated and marine ecosystems restored. But a new risk is looming on the horizon: commercial deep-seabed mining for in-demand minerals. The industry’s prevailing narrative today is that the world needs ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-14

美各地「侵粉」遊行 多處爆衝突
華盛頓4示威者刀傷23人被捕 奧林匹亞一中槍

... 「海軍陸戰隊一號」(Marine One)前往紐約州西點軍校,觀看年度陸軍與海軍的美式足球比賽,他履行承諾,專 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年12月14日

【私銀觀】政經新世界 把握本土機遇

... 右翼候選人馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)在2017年法國總統選舉中敗給親歐派,而在2019年舉行的歐洲 ...全文



... 是以有許多海旁地段(Marine Lot)、半山地段出現。這些地段一旦批出便是一大塊,這可見於港島沿舊日岸址及 ...全文


新加坡蒙巴登 坐擁東海岸美景
地鐵新站快開通 疫市吸引撈底客

... 第15郵區馬林百列(Marine Parade)蒙巴登(Mountbatten)接近市中心,居住環境佳,而且快 ...全文


Blu Marine黃金地段海岸生活

... 展的綜合項目Blu Marine,最近推出其中1座住宅Poseidon Tower全球發售,入場價128萬歐羅 ...全文



... 刊《海洋污染簡報》(Marine Pollution Bulletin)上發表。梁美儀又指出,團隊已獲土木工程 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年11月06日

Getting to low-carbon high seas

... reatening marine life, and undermining the ocean’s ability to function as a key ecosystem and climate regulator. Considering that every second breath we take comes from the ocean, our own health is di ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-23


... 曾經進入二強的勒龐(Marine le Pen)能夠符合民主制度對領導最基本的要求,甚至會表示這些政治人物正是 ...全文


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