
共 1029 個結果
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Three customs officers dead as patrol boat capsizes in sea

... ed to the Marine Enforcement Group of the Customs’ Ports and Maritime Command. Expressing deep sadness at the news of the officers' deaths, customs chief Hermes Tang Yi-hoi offered condolences to the ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-23

Why Ocean Park must rethink its market positioning and strategy

Hong Kong government has announced a HK$10.6 billon injection to bail out the debt-laden Ocean Park, the popular marine themed local tourist attraction. Facing intense competition from Hong Kong Disne ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-17

How building new key roads can cut congestion

... otect the marine environment, sustainability will remain at the forefront of the design and construction strategy. Other possible methods would require the sailing in and sinking of immersed tube tunn ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-02


... 陣線」主席馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)形容,民聲黨今次勝利壯觀,認為該黨經過近年努力,已逐漸取得成果 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月12日

槍擊法清真寺兩傷 84歲退伍軍人被捕

... 15年代表馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)極右政黨「國民聯盟」(National Rally)參加地方選 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年10月30日


... nit)、水警總區(Marine Region)等代號;同時另有編號如D1、A1與3/5、4/5等,據指代表警 ...全文



... nit)、水警總區(Marine Region)等代號;同時另有編號如D1、A1與3/5、4/5等,據指代表警 ...影片


New measures unveiled to help businesses hit by social unrest

... ommercial marine vessels, costing about HK$16.5 million and benefiting 6,300 vessels. Secretary for Transport and Housing Frank Chan Fan added that taxis and minibuses will get a HK$1 discount per lit ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-23


... (Sembcorp Marine)大股東,凱基證券分析員指出,淡馬錫晉升為吉寶大股東之後,可推動勝科海洋與吉寶 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年10月22日

Time to ban single-use plastics

... at to our marine environment, our food chain and the citizens’ health. The Hong Kong government introduced the Plastic Shopping Bag Charging Scheme in 2009 and then enhanced the measure in 2015 in a b ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-18

冒險雄心 潛海壯舉

... 美國探險家佩戴歐米茄Marine潛水腕錶,創下歷史性的深潛紀錄。及後在1948年,歐米茄推出第一款海馬腕錶,隨 ...全文



天災頻繁,日本產險業龍頭東京海上保險(Tokio Marine)周四斥資31億美元(約241.8億港元)收購美 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年10月04日

希拉克 捍衞法國精神

... 線」前主席馬琳勒龐(Marine Le Pen)發表悼詞:「儘管與希拉克有分歧,但他一直關愛法國的海外領地,並 ...全文


Trump says he canceled peace talks with Taliban over attack

... based. US Marine General Kenneth McKenzie, who oversees American troops in the region, declined to comment on the diplomatic negotiations themselves but criticized a wave of Taliban violence that has ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-09


... ts、Action Marine,代表美國海陸空三軍。 Hasbro的壯大當然少不了併購。1989年以8500 ...全文


Loch Ness monster might just be a giant eel, say scientists

... onitoring marine life like whales and sharks. Whenever a creature moves through its environment, it leaves behind tiny fragments of DNA from skin, scales, feathers, fur, feces and urine. This DNA can ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-06

Huawei eyes South America-Asia undersea cable project

... in Huawei Marine Systems Co. Ltd., the company’s submarine cable business, via cash and share issuance.  The move would represent Huawei’s first major asset sale since the United States ratcheted up a ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-29

Govt to renovate public piers for more convenient access

... ed within marine parks," the newspaper quoted Wong as saying. Wong said he believes "the renovated piers will facilitate the promotion of green and cultural tourism, allowing citizens and tourists to ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-26

生於海洋 乘風啟航

... 兩個世紀。來到當下的Marine Chronographe 5527腕錶,其許多細節均啟發自航海世界,呼應着始 ...全文



... oadmaster Marine GMT 40毫米鈦金屬錶殼搭配自動機械機芯 BALL RR1203-C,具有 ...全文


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