
共 36 個結果
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... na Gun等等。 Mt. Gox啟動破產清算分發 本欄上月表示「競爭幣現生機」,主要是看中比特幣溢出效應,同 ...全文



... 許多技術問題要解決,Mt. Gox便因遭黑客攻擊,慘成首家破產的比特幣交易所。 對交易所的信任來自一環扣一環的 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2022年11月25日

印尼總統訪火山災場 慰問民眾承諾修基建

印尼總統佐科(Joko Widodo)周二視察三日內爆發兩次的爪哇省塞梅魯(Mt. Semeru)火山災場,先 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年12月08日

大嶼山長沙別墅Mt. La Vie即將登場

遠洋集團(03377)宣布,旗下首個香港低密度住宅發展項目正式命名為Mt. La Vie,已獲發入伙紙及預售樓 ...全文


Toyota to build prototype city of the future in Japan

Toyota Motor announced plans to build a prototype "city of the future" at the base of Japan’s Mt. Fuji, powered by hydrogen fuel cells and functioning as a laboratory for autonomous cars, “smart homes ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-07

Trump issues warning after North Korea claims major test

... ’s sacred Mt. Paektu. Such meetings and propaganda blitzes often come ahead of major announcements from North Korean authorities. While North Korea has not specified what its “new path” could be, obse ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-09

N Korea wants talks with South over 'shabby' resort facilities

... tiatives. Mt. Kumgang was one of two major inter-Korean economic projects, along with the Kaesong industrial zone, and an important token of rapprochement during decades of hostilities following the 1 ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-25

'Defiant message' as Kim rides white horse on sacred mountain

...  woods on Mt. Paektu, the spiritual homeland of the Kim dynasty. “His march on horseback in Mt Paektu is a great event of weighty importance in the history of the Korean revolution,” KCNA said. “Havin ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-16

Facebook expands 'Local Alert' tool to help in emergencies

...  danger. Mt. Juliet Police Department in Tennessee said it uses a combination of Facebook Local Alerts, mobile text messages through the Nixle platform, and posts on local community media service Nex ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-28


... 球最大的比特幣交易所Mt. Got突然倒閉,逾80萬個比特幣從此消失,以當時幣值計算相當於蒸發了4.73億美元 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 寰球信識林伊2019年07月27日

比特幣平台Mt. Gox CEO判緩刑
日法院裁操控數據罪成 挪用公款免責

東京地方法院周五裁定,已破產的比特幣交易平台Mt. Gox的行政總裁卡珀利斯(Mark Karpeles)挪用 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年03月16日


... 臨更為嚴厲的規管。 Mt. Gox 的虛假交易 比特幣以至其他加密貨幣的精髓,在於透過區塊鏈的機制以維持真確賬 ...全文


比特幣面世10年 最癲炒至2萬美元

... 年東京加密貨幣交易所Mt. Gox被黑客入侵,損失接近5億美元的比特幣,世界各地監管機構遂開始尋找方法加強監管 ...全文



... 雪覆蓋的卡茲別克山(Mt. Kazbek),教堂外牆被斜陽照射下帶點棕紅色,剛好落在綠色與白色之間,整個畫面近 ...全文


S Korea crypto exchange Coinrail hacked; bitcoin tumbles

... kyo-based Mt. Gox, which once handled 80 percent of the world’s bitcoin trades, filed for bankruptcy after losing bitcoins worth around half a billion dollars. More recently, in December last year, So ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-12

Japan punishes 7 cryptocurrency exchanges over control lapses

... se of the Mt. Gox exchange and resurfaced with the Coincheck heist. The regulator said Coincheck lacked proper systems for dealing with risks such as money laundering and terrorism financing. It gave ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-08

Cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck loses US$530 mln in hack

... t Japan's Mt. Gox exchange nearly four years ago. In 2014, Mt. Gox, which once handled 80 percent of the world’s bitcoin trades, filed for bankruptcy after losing around US$450 million worth of bitcoi ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-29

日平台禁提款 比特幣插5%

... 年前大型比特幣交易所Mt. Gox倒閉的噩夢重演,拖累比特幣以至一眾加密貨幣價格下挫。 以東京為基地的Coin ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年01月27日


... n其中一個主要交易所Mt. Gox,曾出現不少金額極大的可疑交易,讓Bitcoin在兩個月內,由150美元急升 ...全文


Bitcoin mania puts exchanges under severe strain

...  ago when Mt. Gox accounted for 95 percent of volume.” Mt. Gox, the world's biggest bitcoin exchange at the time, collapsed in 2014 after hackers stole 650,000 bitcoins, triggering a collapse in the b ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-14

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