
共 36 個結果
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Japan: Land of the rising coin – a model for Hong Kong?

...  exchange Mt. Gox, which, aside from being disastrous for the global crypto community, was also a major PR catastrophe for Japan’s FSA, as it happened on their turf but ironically not under their watc ...More

EJ Insight2017-11-17

全球泡沫處處 央行步步驚險

... 球最大比特幣交易平台Mt. Gox聲稱比特幣被盜並試圖「着草走佬」的例子,指自己身邊的朋友就有投資全賠進去的。 ...全文


諸神御廚 神級意菜

意大利南部西西里是一個美麗的島嶼,因得天獨厚的地理環境,以及火山Mt. Etna潤澤,令到當地花果茂盛,農產豐 ...全文


日比特幣苦主 獲基金洽購戶口

日本比特幣(Bitcoin)交易中心Mt. Gox在2014年破產後,約2.4萬客戶仍等候賠償,有對沖基金向這 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年02月14日


虛擬貨幣比特幣(Bitcoin)上周五價格高見777美元,為2014年2月比特幣交易所Mt. Gox傳出被黑客 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年12月05日

翡翠公主號 帶你擁抱紐西蘭

... 地峽上最高的死火山口Mt. Eden等,又會到玫瑰園參觀各種新舊玫瑰品種,情侶及夫妻在這裡必定能過浪漫的一天。 ...全文


Zhang Daqian materpiece fetches HK$271 mln in HK auction

... alongside Mt. Lu, another landscape by Zhang which is currently held by the National Palace Museum in Taiwan". What tea tastes like from a US$36 mln cup (July 21, 2014) - Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-06


... 上波蘭最高峰里希山(Mt. Rysy,海拔約2503米)的入口,我們來的日子適逢周末,到處都塞滿了車子,而就在 ...全文


North Face founder dies in Chile kayaking accident

...  route on Mt. Rainier, and through it all he never stopped lecturing me on deep ecology. I was in awe of him.” In addition to outdoor apparel-and-gear retailer North Face, Tompkins started fashion com ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-10

US regulator says Bitcoin a commodity

... at of the Mt. Gox escapade, it is also likely to increase the cost of doing business, Bloomberg said. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-18

Chinese tourists cry discrimination over Swiss mountain train

... resort of Mt. Rigi have been complaining about overcrowding caused by Chinese tourists. They said the visitors have been taking up every available space on trains and lack hygiene, sometimes spitting ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-28

What happens when a fashion model climbs a mountain

Mt. Kilimanjaro and the fashion ramp are worlds apart but for Jocelyn Luko-Sandstrom, they're as close as it gets. Both are her platforms for different reasons. In fact, one led to the other. Born in ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-08

Everest moved 40 cm in past decade, say Chinese experts

...  known as Mt. Qomolangma in China, has been moving at a speed of four centimeters per year and has been growing by 0.3 centimeter annually, the official Xinhua news agency reported. Everest, whose pea ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-16


... 日本的比特幣交易平台Mt. Gox的倒閉,令用家損失近4億美元;而比特幣的交易亦非完全匿名,因為其IP(Int ...全文


Hope fades for Japan volcano victims but rescue resumes

... uption of Mt. Ontake, Japan's second natural disaster in a month, according to Bloomberg. Four victims were brought down from the mountainside Sunday after being found unresponsive, the report said, c ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-29

One single sale in November dwarfs a month on Amazon

... han three Mt. Everests. Last year, revenue from online sales in China was between US$190 billion and US$210 billion, a close second to the US market, worth US$220 billion-US$230 billion, according to ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-12

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