
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 ...150

Short-haul breaks are preferred in post-pandemic tourism: HKTB

... oresees a new tourism landscape, such as a shift in preference in short-haul breaks and shorter itineraries. “Domestic travel will be the major preference shortly after the pandemic, and outbound trav ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-27

《鏗鏘集》奪多個獎項 包括報道721元朗黑夜

港台節目《鏗鏘集》在「2020年紐約電視電影節」(2020 New York Festivals TV &am ...全文


控樂拼侵權勝訴 LEGO獲賠470萬

... 贏內地喬丹體育公司,New Balance品牌方新百倫公司告贏內地「NEW.BARLUN」品牌方紐巴倫公司後, ...全文


The COVID-19 challenge: Comparing Hong Kong and Singapore

... ded 1,111 new cases on Tuesday, surpassing the total of 1,029 cases in Hong Kong. Our daily reported infections have gone down to single digits. In fact, our health officials canceled a regular news c ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-22

Don’t waste the pandemic response

... vest in renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure, while also funding new research and development, reforestation, coral-reef restoration, regenerative agriculture, sustainable fisheries, and so ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-22

‘We are entering a new normal in freight markets’: Flexport

As the coronavirus pandemic has virtually halted global travel, online forwarder Flexport said the firm experienced directly the sharp decline in shipping volume. "We are entering a new normal - the u ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-22

How the pandemic could reshape consumer and business behavior

... nd adds a new impetus for the private sector to diversify supply lines as well. Finally, one emerging technology that may get a big boost is the ultimate localization-of-production/just-in-time techni ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-21

SHOUGANG I-NEW(00697) 更改公司名稱

SHOUGANG I-NEW(00697) 建議更改公司名稱(263KB, pdf) ...全文


Hong Kong government capitulates to Beijing office

... tion of a new chairman. Mr Kwok said that everything he did was consistent with the legislature’s rules. Pan-democrats argued that the election of a committee chairman was a Hong Kong internal affair ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-20

We are not all in this together!

...  create a new crisis. Unbelievably the Lam administration thinks that now is the moment to attempt another relaunch of the plan to place draconian national security laws on the statute book. As ever t ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-20

美俄商New START延期 蓬佩奧:先納入中國

美國國務卿蓬佩奧上周五與俄羅斯外長拉科羅夫通電話,提出延長《新削減戰略武器條約》(New START)的條件, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年04月20日


... ia of the new dawn: these will conspire, later, to blun ...全文


Neat secures funding from PCG, Visa, MassMutual amid pandemic

...  opened a new office in London to kick off business in Western Europe, with plans to continue its international expansion with the fresh funding. "This capital injection is going to power our growth i ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-17

New Balance勝訴 紐巴倫判賠千萬

上海市浦東新區法院昨一審判決,「NEW BARLUN」品牌方紐巴倫(中國)有限公司停止對「New Balanc ...全文



... 來西方也用得很頻繁:New Normal。卻是形容經過疫情蹂躪之後,會出現的新景象。用「新常態」這個詞,就已經 ...全文


浦東法院判內地鞋廠向New Balance賠逾千萬

美國運動品牌New Balance控告中國品牌「NEW BARLUN」侵權案,上海市浦東法院一審判決,持有「N ...全文


SHOUGANG I-NEW(00697) 其他-雜項

SHOUGANG I-NEW(00697) 致非登記股東之通知函(142KB, pdf) ...全文


SHOUGANG I-NEW(00697) 股東周年大會通告

SHOUGANG I-NEW(00697) 股東周年大會通告(160KB, pdf) ...全文


SHOUGANG I-NEW(00697) 通函 - [一般性授權 / 回購股份的說明函件 / 在股東批准的情況下重選或委任董事]

SHOUGANG I-NEW(00697) 建議發行及回購股份之一般性授權重選退任董事委任董事及股東周年大會通 ...全文


頁數:1...140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 ...150

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