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... 搖滾樂隊Suede和Oasis非常流行,我也跟風開始接觸,買了第一隻Suede專輯Head Music,喜歡這 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalSimon’s Global ChatroomEJ GLOBAL plus2016年07月23日

Creative architecture: Serpentine Pavilion & Summer Houses

...  secluded oasis that blends with the landscape Khan's pavilion is a spiritual, rounded structure that connects the viewer to the 300-year-old Temple made by William Kent to celebrate Queen Caroline’s ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-15

Hair and music in a Hollywood Road speakeasy

... ace as an oasis in uber-commercial Hong Kong. He built a place according to his taste, not for one-size-fits-all retail service. In return, he has garnered a loyal following: clients who return to him ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-22

Colonial gems: a detour from malls and skyscrapers

... The urban oasis at the heart of bustling Tsim Sha Tsui used to be huge, heavily-guarded barracks. The site was built in the 1890s for the British Indian garrisons and occupied by the British Military ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-20

新Kindle也輕薄 售2262元

網購巨擘亞馬遜(Amazon)推出新版電子閱讀器Kindle Oasis,配備可充電外殼,外形流線簡潔,重量約 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年04月14日


... 發生在名為「綠洲」(Oasis)的全球虛擬網絡中,此一網絡的人物可從中學習、社交、參加尋寶活動。 Oculus ...全文


Mega projects that will change how you look at Hong Kong

... an “urban oasis” featuring verdant greenery, an amphitheater, a sports complex, a reflection pool and a cycling track. Who would not want our city to have this spacious, “floating” scenic boulevard cu ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-03

Eat This: Misokatsu in Nagoya

... c blue of Oasis 21’s observation deck after dusk. Right beside it is the Aichi Arts Center, where you can get tickets for the fine arts museum or watch a show in the performing arts theater. Visit Myo ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-31


... 妝:Jessica@Oasis Studio 撰文:林艷虹 攝影:陳縱宇 [email protected] ...全文


車隊被指闖禁區 墨總統促徹查

... (Bahariya Oasis)附近,分乘4輛四驅車的22名遊客及導遊把車泊好後,在路邊燒烤,突然有軍機從上空 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年09月15日

Bon Jovi涉撐達賴被內地禁演

... in Park、英國Oasis等樂隊也曾涉達賴被北京禁演。 ...全文


拆毀重建 「飛」一般設計師

... 極之前衞型格。08年Oasis Hong Kong Airlines清盤時,設計師更在拍賣會上投回十多架飛機餐 ...全文



... 金峰會所(Club Oasis),提供澳門最完善的會所設施,連同園林在內,建築面積達30萬方呎。 會所共6層, ...全文



... 檢」。筆者早前提及的Oasis Management,不知會否亦繼被證監罰款後再惹當局關注;不過,「食得鹹魚抵 ...全文


沽空收歛 博彩股值博

... 點名者,包括對沖基金Oasis Management,據說是7月初大跌市沽空大軍的主要成員。內媒又引香港證監會 ...全文


China market woes prompt foreign investors to focus on India

China's stock market tumult is prompting some global investors to shift their equity exposure to India, Bloomberg News reported. "The recent travails in China make India seem like an oasis of calm in ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-24

撐達賴 美國樂隊被取消上海行

... 年3月,英國知名樂隊Oasis便因為有成員,1997年曾參加自由西藏演唱會,有支持西藏立場,而取消2場在北京和 ...全文


Islamic extremists now control half of Syria

... it was an oasis on a trade route linking eastern civilisations with the Roman empire. Its ruins lie to the southwest of modern Tadmur. “Palmyra is an extraordinary World Heritage site in the desert an ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-22

Goat dinner lands python in trouble in Sai Kung

... New Being Oasis drug rehabilitation center, run by the Christian New Being Fellowship near the Lady MacLehose Holiday Village at Pak Tam Chung, Apple Daily reported. The baby goat had been swallowed b ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-12

Is Jetstar Hong Kong push worth it?

... -bankrupt Oasis Airlines reminds us, the ferocious competition through the Hong Kong hub makes it one of the toughest markets in the world to earn money. So, where is the logic in making all this pain ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-10

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