
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 ...150

Deaf and mute woman robbed and molested in Tai Kok Tsui

... t the car park of a private residential complex on Hoi Wang Road, Sing Tao Daily reports.  At around 5am, as the woman was finishing her work shift and putting her cleaning equipment at the back of a ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-19

Britain won't reclaim Hong Kong, UK consul general says

... n Country Park where she can enjoy great views. -- Contact us at [email protected] TL/AC/CG ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-19

銀碼細吸引 投資客佔半

... )西半山Cluny Park則以7798.13萬元售出6樓B室,呎價3.5萬元。 ...全文


How much is an Olympic medal worth?

... as Ma Wan Park and simply kick back and relax. Now back to the question. We can reveal that the Rio Olympic gold medal was mostly made of silver. To be exact, 494 grams of silver and six grams of the ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-18

Smaller venue chosen to honor China's Rio Olympics medalists

...  Victoria Park Swimming Pool and the Ma On Shan Sports Complex next Sunday, Aug. 28. Sharing sessions with the public have also been scheduled for the Chinese medalists as well as representatives from ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-18

North Korea deputy ambassador in UK defects to South

... id Sokeel Park of LiNK, an NGO which works with North Korean defectors. North Korea has become increasingly isolated after conducting its fourth nuclear test in January and numerous ballistic missile ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-18

Grand YOHO貼市推 呎價萬二

新盤供應重災區的元朗,以區內大地主新地(00016)散貨態度最積極,PARK YOHO系列銷售剛至尾聲,另一個 ...全文


多蒙特 聞「蜂」起舞

... nal Iduna Park),煞是興奮。該球場是全德國最大的一座足球場,每逢比賽日子,整個城市瀰漫熾熱氣氛, ...全文


助手同中伏 槍手在逃 穆斯林指宗教仇殺

... 公園區(Ozone Park),由阿孔吉主持的Al-Furqan Jame Masjid清真寺祈禱後,一起離去 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年08月15日


... 嘅狗帶拖住行。如果想park your dog,條帶要再短啲——唔長過1.5米嘅,要縛喺固定物件。而且縛法係不 ...全文


曼哈頓中城 樓價高聳如摩廈
一手豪宅年飆1.5倍 全島之首

... 道432號的432 Park Avenue住宅大樓在2015年建成,其約426米(約1400呎)的高度已取代帝 ...全文


Why many Hongkongers are not cheering the national team in Rio

...  Victoria Park and find its patriotic overtones to be irrelevant. Yet, by and large, this new generation of democracy activists is also intensely proud of their Chinese heritage but feel that they als ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-12

Beijing's policy change on N Korean asylum seekers

The recent defection of a teenage North Korean participant of the International Math Olympiad in Hong Kong has sparked public concern about how Beijing will handle this diplomatic challenge. It might ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-11

What can bring the region to the point of no return

... President Park Geun-hye has sparked controversy, with China and Russia objecting, and some commentators predicting the start of a “new Cold War”. But China and Russia should welcome THAAD because it a ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-11

罕設大手圈貨組 須購全層13伙

... 於元朗峻巒1A期、 PARK YOHO Venezia和PARK YOHO Sicilia,累積售出逾850伙 ...全文


Disney tops earnings estimates, acquires streaming stake

... its theme park and resorts business was up 6 percent to US$4.38 billion. The net income attributable to the company rose to US$2.6 billion, or US$1.59 per share, in the third quarter, from US$2.48 bil ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-10


... 、自動泊車輔助系統(Park Assist)、車道維持輔助系統(Lane Keeping Assist)及主動 ...全文


Here's a cheaper way for retailers to tap the tourist market

... ell theme park tickets. Once they have established the brand, they might target shopping malls next. -- Contact us at [email protected] RA ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-09

In a world of women leaders, China is way behind the times

... resident, Park Geun-hye. China is not happy with some of these women. It is putting pressure on the Taiwan leader to be more like her male predecessor, Ma Ying-jeou, and to accept a “one China” concep ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-09

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