
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 ...150

The Hidden Gem Series: A Kung Ngam

The search for hidden gems among Hong Kong neighborhoods now takes us to A Kung Ngam, a little known backwater near Shau Kei Wan that is hitting the big time. It's no big secret that residential prope ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-04


《讀史觀勢》(商務)中:筆者討論了Paul Kenbedy的「大國的興衰」500年,為什麼只談大國呢? 因為大 ...全文


美股新高 或迎回吐

... ment投資組合經理Paul Nolte說:「所以我們可能會看到新年開局股市偏弱,因為早有打算的投資者會鎖定部 ...全文



... 期間,她與保羅西蒙(Paul Simon)有一段情緣,但兩人的婚姻僅維持11個月。她後來又與經理人拜恩羅特(B ...全文


對沖大鱷達里奧 精研歷史通古今之變

... 聯儲局前主席伏爾克(Paul Volcker)也是他的支持者,稱他的理論非主流,但可讓大家理解經濟是什麼。 2 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2016年12月31日

2017新變局 Cash傍身等時機

... 富管理環球首席經濟師Paul Donovan周五在英國《金融時報》撰文指出,世界對歐洲貨品及服務的需求遠大於美 ...全文


東南亞親華 暫時性對沖

... )、副防長沃爾蓋茨(Paul Wolfowitz)和國家安全顧問賴斯(Condoleezza Rice)等,無 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 亞太前瞻李坤乘2016年12月31日

奧巴馬「送禮」 狂人陷兩難

... 。 眾議院議長瑞安(Paul Ryan)稱,雖然制裁來得太遲,但不失為結束奧巴馬政府8年來對俄政策失敗的適當方 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年12月31日

A review of key developments in the fund market in 2016

A few major trends evolved in the fund industry this year, and some of them may have important implications for the coming year. 1. Northbound funds have registered sales that are 80 times those of so ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-30

J&J discussing breaking up Actelion in an acquisition

... tive Jean-Paul Clozel would head it, are among the details still being negotiated, the sources told Reuters. A deal could be finalized by late January, they said, cautioning that negotiations could st ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-30


... 很可能由眾議長瑞安(Paul Ryan)和他的團隊執行——為富人制定累進性較低、對資本較友好的稅制,這是共和黨 ...全文

今日信報理財投資博集先機Joseph E. Stiglitz2016年12月30日

回歸原力 「星粉」永記

... 樣不平坦,與民謠歌星Paul Simon的婚姻只維持了11個月,女兒的生父、知名荷里活經理人Bryan Lou ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年12月29日


... 任聯儲局主席伏爾克(Paul Volker)以高利率成功降服通脹,令美國利率從此拾級而下;加上減稅及放寬金融管 ...全文



... 的發生。英國心理學家Paul Goddard的研究顯示,人們通常會偏好真實距離較近的人,加上網絡世界欠缺身體語 ...全文



... 聖保羅大教堂(St Paul's Cathedral)3個繁忙的旅遊景點,用刀和槍殺害市民,以及發動炸彈襲擊。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年12月24日

Why Japanese equities are outstripping US stocks

About US$63 billion of funds are estimated to have flowed into the US stock market since Donald Trump won the election. While US equities have been doing very well, the "Trump effect" is even more obv ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-23

Seven arrested over Christmas Day terror plot in Melbourne

... n and St. Paul's Cathedral "possibly on Christmas Day", Ashton said. It was inspired by the Islamic State militant group and the suspects had been under close surveillance for a fortnight, he said. On ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-23

US sues Barclays over mortgage securities fraud

... rroll and Paul Menefee, both former managing directors at Barclays Capital units. Carroll, Barclays head subprime trader in the run-up to the housing crisis, and Menefee, the banker in charge of due d ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-23

From Gill Paul to Qbobo: Prime act of an Indian Hongkonger

Gill Paul Mohindepaul Singh may not be a familiar name to most Hongkongers but how about Qbobo (literally cute baby in Cantonese)? We got to know him through TVB. Many Hongkongers were amazed by this ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-20

特朗普年代 美俄共舞可能性多大?

... Saunders, Paul J, “Staffing Will Be Key for Trump’s Rus ...全文


頁數:1...136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 ...150

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