
共 33 個結果
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... 幸好還有戶外。這種很Posh的鄰里小店,主要客源是穿戴優閒的中產街坊。 店主Jake Finn情迷燒烤,菜牌中 ...全文



... 多個座位;兩店皆位於Posh一點的富人區。對上一次去,即為參觀完同區的佛洛伊德故居博物館之後。 該店老闆兼主廚 ...全文


YOHO Hub第B期間隔多元
港鐵站上蓋擁地利 全系列壓軸盤

... 「至尚3房YOHO Posh」;實用面積927至1182方呎的4房單位有3種款式,包括「至雅4房YOHO Vo ...全文


YOHO Hub提供1至4房 不設特色戶

... 「至尚3房YOHO Posh」。 最後的4房戶共有234伙,佔項目約22.7%,分3款戶型,並命名為「至雅4房 ...全文


A wedding scene straight out of Crazy Rich Asians

...  bought a posh three-storey home at No. 19 King’s Park Hill in Ho Man Tin for HK$45 million, or about HK$13,583 per square foot. It proved to be a shrewd investment as the market price tripled in 10 y ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-14


在倫敦讀書時認識了很posh的H太太,也認識了她那位不平凡的丈夫。 H先生精通多國語言,是一名核子工程師,曾加 ...全文



... 。 同學說,H太太很posh,只有posh的人才會這樣說話。 「Posh」在英式英語中是個流行詞滙,但很少當着 ...全文


Prepare to pay more for festive spreads at big hotels

If you are one of those who prefer to dine at posh hotels for Christmas or New Year's Eve celebrations, be prepared to shell out more this year. Most of the big hotels in the city have raised their pr ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-04

'Mouse Street' is world's most expensive retail location

... acked 446 posh streets around the globe to compile its report. London’s New Bond Street ranked third on the list with a flat rent of US$1,744 per square foot, which was enough to make it the priciest ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-15


... k)在《天之驕子》(Posh Boys)中表示:德國和瑞典、挪威、芬蘭等北歐國家,提供全民免費教育,除了宗教團 ...全文


Slosar wants to buy a home from Swire

... redine, a posh residential project developed by his own company at 38 Mount Kellett Road in that snooty enclave of the rich and powerful. The B unit on the first floor has a saleable area of about 2,8 ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-10

Cantonese restaurant in Taipei wins three Michelin stars

A total of 20 restaurants obtained Michelin's much-coveted stars in its first-ever eating guide to Taipei released on Wednesday.  A posh outlet that serves Cantonese cuisine stands out as the only win ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-15

Protesters oppose Union Church redevelopment plan

... rned into posh apartments. Legislator Eddie Chu Hoi-dick said the British colonial government had allowed the plot to be sold only for religious purposes but the church is now trying to swindle Hong K ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-30


... 》根據英國著名舞台劇Posh改編,故事圍繞英國牛津大學裏有一群家世顯赫、自命不凡的上流富家子弟。他們組成秘密社 ...全文


Donald Tsang's wife got HK$350,000 from BEA chief, court told

... cepting a posh three-storey flat at the Donghai Garden in Shenzhen for his retirement in exchange for granting a digital broadcasting license to Wave Media businessman Bill Wong Cho-bau for 2010 to 20 ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-11

NT burglaries: 3 mainlanders arrested, HK$5 mln loot seized

Police raided a hut in Pat Heung and arrested three mainland men believed responsible for at least eight burglaries in posh mansions in the New Territories. Seized from the suspects in their hideout o ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-06

Why Carrie Lam thinks we are all stupid

... tending a posh event marking the departure a most senior official from the old colonial regime who had just given a speech waxing lyrical about how she would have more time to spend with her family. I ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-30

Black swan sculpture unnerves Beijing investors

... ever, the posh shopping plaza is located right across the road from the offices of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), the country's stock market regulator, the BBC said. A black swan h ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-05

A sophisticated lunch at Robuchon au Dôme in Macau

... Dôme, the posh restaurant offers a magnificent view of Macau. But the steel frame structure in sight gave me a feeling of being trapped. The place was classy but less heartwarming, unlike its previous ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-25

Daimler executive sacked for calling all Chinese 'bastards'

... spot in a posh residential area in the capital’s Shunyi District when they got into an argument. Gaertner reportedly let out a racist tirade against the other driver. “I am in China one year already. ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-22

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