
共 1382 個結果
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Crazy ride, Jimmy Lai!

... dwarf the sharp one-day gain of Porsche, and recently Hertz and Kodak. A lot of soul-searching on what drives the rally, given Lai had so many enemies because he irritated the heavyweights in politics ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-12

Metals caught in a supply-demand tug of war

... Given the sharp decline in economic activity, one might have expected industrial metals prices to fall substantially as a result of the pandemic. So, what has been supporting prices? The impact of red ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-11


... 股權悉數出售予聲寶(Sharp),正式結束長達35年的筆電業務。路透報道稱,聲寶完成收購Dynabook後,擬 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年08月11日


日企東芝(Toshiba)將所持Dynabook尚餘股權出售給聲寶(Sharp),結束長達35年的手提電腦業務 ...全文



... 常方便。Roku也跟Sharp和TCL等電視商合作,出產內置Roku系統的smart TV,稱之為Roku T ...全文



... Ohyama及聲寶(Sharp),獲發574億日圓(約41.56億港元)資助,亦有30間日資公司因為在越南、緬 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2020年07月21日

日首階段斥41億 助57企撤出中國

... c.、電器品牌夏普(Sharp)等。 傳擬夥台積電等提振半導體業 此外,經濟產業省又宣布,為30家公司提供資助 ...全文


THE SHARP全層蝕2688萬歷來最傷

商舖投資價值不斷下降,近年屢錄蝕讓的銀座式商廈再添損手個案。銅鑼灣銀座式商廈THE SHARP中低層全層物業, ...全文


THE SHARP全層業主虧損2688萬離場

消息指出,銅鑼灣霎東街11號銀座式商廈THE SHARP再錄蝕讓,單位為10樓全層,建築面積1580方呎,原以 ...全文


三星電子傳向LG Display洽購面板

... 等中國公司以及聲寶(Sharp)購買液晶面板。 ...全文


A V-shaped recovery could still happen

... uffered a sharp decline, and global financial conditions tightened significantly. As a result, all of the aforementioned high-frequency indicators duly collapsed. In March and April, South Korean expo ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-09

Coronavirus turns Boris Johnson’s honeymoon into nightmare

... ave and a sharp rise in the virus death toll could even bring a premature end to his Premiership. This is an outcome that looks remote -- but is not impossible. How he wishes to turn the clock back fi ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-02

Evidence of China stimulus positive for emerging market assets

... back of a sharp increase in the issuance of special bonds by local governments. A v-shaped rebound in heavy vehicle sales in April had already hinted that government-driven investment projects were ge ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-30


... 京拿着走在潮流尖端的Sharp手機,出門遠遊時還是一定會拿着一台相機,以便在女同學面前扮專業也。 來到2000 ...全文



... 社交媒體,交不出一句sharp醒、精警、吸睛的金句,你叫人家點幫你! 這兩天最「正」的sound bite可能 ...全文


How Hong Kong businesses can become 5G-ready

... d despite sharp engineering, there will be typical early problems with service delivery. With a proactive stance, however, IT pros can prevent many poor user experiences and help customers become part ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-19

大行樂觀散戶勇 華爾街貪婪升市

... 濟衰退是急速但短暫(sharp but short),預期全球GDP第二季按年大跌8.6%之後,明年首季將回復 ...全文


攻面板核心材料 杉杉闢新增長點

... 商如LG顯示、夏普(SHARP)、京東方(000725.SZ)等均建立了長期合作關係。因此,杉杉這次如收購成功 ...全文


Deglobalization will hurt growth everywhere

... implies a sharp fall in both multinationals’ profits and stock-market wealth (which is probably fine with some), but also could mean a significant drop in foreign demand for US debt. That would hardly ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-05

Economic recovery from COVID-19 unlikely near term

... n, with a sharp decrease in economic activity expected through Q3 2020 and possibly longer. For its part, the International Monetary Fund predicts the recession could be as deep as -3% of global GDP t ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-01

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