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在這個每天都在爭,求smart and smarter,鬥智,鬥新鬥強鬥聰明,要outsmart別人才算驕人的 ...全文


【EJFQ信析】聰明錢放慢入市 美股衝頂有難度

繼美國白宮首席醫學顧問福西指出新冠變種病毒Omicron傳播力強但患者症狀輕微之後,輝瑞藥廠與合作夥伴BioN ...全文


聰明錢放慢入市 美股衝頂有難度

繼美國白宮首席醫學顧問福西指出新冠變種病毒Omicron傳播力強但患者症狀輕微之後,輝瑞藥廠與合作夥伴BioN ...全文


大戶散兵對着幹 兩點觀察尋訊號

12月8日,周三。這段日子寫美股評論,很易患上思覺失調,皆因在病毒變種、通脹、聯儲局收水數大主題下發生的一切, ...全文


‘Smart prison’ reduces social cost, create greater value for HK

According to a study from the City University of Hong Kong commissioned by the Correctional Services Department (CSD) in 2017, it is estimated that the “cost” of each criminal case is HK$240,000, whic ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-06

推進智能製造 重振香港品牌

隨着環球經濟逐漸復甦,社會各界開始展望後疫情發展,企業亦陸續制定來年營運策略與方向,並因應疫情改變營運模式。過 ...全文


泰加保險(06161) 《收購守則》所指的受要約公司刊發的公告 / 《收購守則》所指的要約公司刊發的公告

泰加保險(06161) 聯合公告 - 延長有關NERICO BROTHERS LIMITED為及代表SMART ...全文


Smart prison to address challenge of high staff turnover

The Correctional Services Department (CSD) has faced numerous challenges in recent years, including ageing facilities, serious staff turnover. To overcome these challenges, one must start from capabil ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-29

5 things HK e-merchants targeting Europe should know

With the pandemic-induced e-commerce boom leading to a 30% increase in online sales among shoppers in the UK and European Union, the region has clearly adapted quickly to the enforced acceleration tow ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-26


It really is time for the adults to impose some basic common sense in the kindergarten that poses for a government. Where in the world would you have a major institution run by the inhabitants of the ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-26

智能鏡分析皮膚 成功拓美容市場
AI快速評估特質 推介產品療程

人臉識別技術應用愈趨普遍,除了在機場安檢用作核實身份外,亦可延伸至美容。本港初創姊妹圖人工智能(Sisters ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年11月22日


網購愈趨盛行,網絡上盜取信用卡資料犯案宗數隨之大增。警方及金管局的數據皆顯示,今年首9個月網上信用卡被盜用宗數 ...全文


Think small to fight climate change: SMEs' important role

 When applied to droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, floods, or other extreme weather events, the term “unprecedented” is getting old. In August, when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releas ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-19


除了主流的虛擬貨幣外,近年亦有不少新興虛擬貨幣冒起,例如狗狗幣(Dogecoin)。另外,由於幣安智能鏈BSC ...全文


Retailers look to 'tech the halls' this season to draw shoppers

Shifts in consumer behavior used to evolve over decades, often from generation to generation. Today, they change dynamically, driven by macro level events like the pandemic and disruptive new technolo ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-17

Tesla自動駕駛有「禁地」比亞迪「刀片電池」搶市場 電動車股前景無限?

美股近年最大新股、電動貨車生產商Rivian(RIVN)上周三掛牌,股價曾大漲近六成,成為繼Tesla之後,又 ...影片


Importance of geographic data to smart city development

The Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) under the Development Bureau was officially opened in July this year. Located at Millennium City I in Kwun Tong, GeoLab is operated by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, occu ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-15

加息壓力大 資金去向啟示後市

一如筆者早前所料,美國通脹全面攀升,10月份CPI按年上漲6.2%(9月:5.4%),高於市場預期的5.9%, ...全文


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