
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 ...150

Who should be bailed out next?

The shotgun wedding of UBS and Credit Suisse was hastily arranged in the spirit of ensuring our collective safety. As Swiss National Bank Chair Thomas Jordan noted, Credit Suisse’s size and global net ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-29

Getting geopolitics right

I’m no expert in geopolitics. Yet there are a few thoughts that I’d like to explore - in a conversational manner - with folks who are interested in geopolitics, and from whom I most certainly hope to ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-29


有媒體報道,電商巨擘亞馬遜可能收購美國大型戲院集團AMC。AMC周二股價收市急升逾13%。 The Inter ...全文


3童3教職員亡 拜登促禁擁步槍

... 諾西藝術與設計學院(The Nossi College of Art & Design)昨天發聲明,指 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年03月29日


... )等地的三藩市灣區(The Bay Area),也是一個內灣區。 要理解大灣區「黃金內灣」的含義,我們可以先回 ...全文



... 術,「What's the history here?」女醫生把我當作導遊,因為葡萄牙歷史不像其他歐洲大國般為 ...全文


收費還是免費?That is the Question

有線寬頻(01097)公布截至去年12月底止全年業績,期內收入按年減少9.5%,虧損則擴大至8.86億元。為什 ...全文



... 由本地初創Scan the World Limited開發的元宇宙方案,採用自行研發的3D掃描技術及算法模型, ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2023年03月29日


... ission of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the Republi ...全文



... 貝利·費恩歷險記》(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)這樣的經典作品,已經 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2023年03月28日

Talent development takes years, so we should start now

Recently, the fever of artificial intelligence-powered chatbot ChatGPT has swept around the world. Within just two months after its launch in last November, it reached 100 million users. But if you as ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-28

Long-term benefits of ESG investment

Looking into the decades that lie ahead, asset owners and managers have a great opportunity to think sustainably and act responsibly; it will bring enormous risks if we do not. Since no economic syste ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-28

研究:中國1.87萬億 拯救「一帶一路」貸款

... itute for the World Economy合作進行。 根據報告,上述拯救項目的撥款,近80%是在2 ...全文


美校園槍擊案 年輕女槍手殺3學童3職員

... 為當地一間基督教學校The Covenant School on Burton Hills Boulevard ...全文


狗對人類 是愛嗎?

... 的認知能力,並出版了The Genius of Dogs一書。2019年,有科學家掃描了33種狗的腦袋,證明惠 ...全文


創作愛心蛋糕 捐助弱勢長者

... 福中,長大後創立了「The Good Cake」,以甜味治癒心靈,亦希望Be Good、Do Good,以孝敬 ...全文


How can we better serve travel-deprived consumers in digital age

Three years into the pandemic much has changed - online shopping has become the synonym for shopping and working from home has become the new ‘normal’. However, consumers’ desire for travel has never ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-27

Hong Kong needs a new approach to talent

Hong Kong has arrived at a critical juncture for its talent market and its economic future. Due to several factors that include the pandemic, emigration, and an ageing population, Hong Kong has a pron ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-27

Hong Kong Ballet premieres Coco Chanel

Hong Kong’s cultural scene is bouncing back. Just after the Hong Kong Arts Festival, Art Basel has returned after three years. And nearby at the Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong Ballet premiered ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-27

馬斯克據報承認Twitter估值大降 只值1560億

新聞網站the Information及Platformer報道,億萬富豪馬斯克承認,社交媒體Twitter目 ...全文


頁數:1...133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 ...150

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