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China rolls out red carpet for foreign CEOs – will it work?

... nths, and told them that China’s economy had not peaked and its growth prospects were bright. Last year Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into China fell to its lowest level for 30 years. Many foreign e ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-28


... 軒是否「happy to pay that price(樂意承受有關代價)」,李宇軒說是。 法官李運騰亦關注, ...全文


【價值工房】商湯AI業務持續爆發 大裝置價值重被低估

... 是基礎,面向更廣泛的To B或To C市場才是終端。隨着AI業務的高速增長,過去以應用大場景區分的業務模式已不 ...全文


Does Hong Kong have the right not to enact article 23 laws?

Now that the debate over article 23 is over, with the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance having come into effect on March 23, it may be appropriate to look at some of the less discussed issues r ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-27

Shanghai Ballet’s A Sigh of Love

The Shanghai Ballet last toured Hong Kong in 2013, bringing its signature work “The White Haired Girl”. Last weekend it has returned to perform as the closing programme of this year’s Hong Kong Arts F ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-27


... vations into wealth: How to fill the commercialisation ...全文



... rs failed to see the funny side)。 從這段趣聞可以看到,雖然直麵歷史悠久,但直 ...全文



... n Russia, to Diverse Parts of Asia,1763年出版。 貝爾觀察力敏銳,描寫細 ...全文


Privacy concerns about electronic medical record sharing

The government plans to spend $1.4 billion in the next five years to upgrade eHealth to eHealth+, which integrates functions such as unified electronic medical records, governance processes, health to ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-25

Some reflections on teaching

I am still in my early days of my academic career. I’d like to think there is much I have yet to learn. In some ways, the best way to learn is to teach. This is not only because teaching is vital in c ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-23

To love one’s country candidly and sincerely

I’m a firm believer that the more you love something, the more you must be honest about it. A citizen’s devotion to their country could take many forms. Some are genuinely devoted – they see the inter ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-23


... 行動(Giving to Amplify Earth Action, GAEA)合辦,並由世界經濟論壇作知識夥 ...全文



... rjana Krišto)稱,希望與歐盟一同努力,以達到加入歐盟的要求。 多國對歐盟的決定表示歡迎,德國總理肖 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年03月23日

藝壇壞女孩 「讓你的作品成為你最好的朋友」

... Mary Wollstonecraft),瑪麗是十八世紀的英國作家 / 哲學家 / 女性主義者。 母親是銀行職員,父親是當地政客,Maggi是一家三兄姐之中最小的一個,姐姐比她年長11年,兄長比她年長 9年。引領她接觸並愛上藝術的是她父親,本來她與父親並不親近,但父親60歲退休那年,開始了繪畫這興趣,他一共舉辦過七次個展,其中兩次在皇家藝術學院舉辦,雖然老來才全身投入創作,他的作品評價不錯。 H ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-22


... 概是因為美好得有點「too good to be true」?其實這位模 特兒跟Thomas已合作了超過三年,Thomas作畫時都總會在寫實之中作出改動,「因為全現實的話其實有限制的,我希望每一幅畫作可以有context,但若然每一幅都同樣貫徹地現實主義的話,作品很容易變得很『薄』,每一張畫都必須以同一風格呈現的話,又怎能做到獨特性?加上要在畫中呈現一個『實境』,並不是單靠照足現實去畫,而是靠虛實 ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-21


... 學派的佛利民(Milton Friedman)說得好:There are four ways in which ...全文


World trembles at a Trump presidency

... hreatened to pull the U.S. out of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and end U.S. military aid for Ukraine. Lobbying by him alone has prevented the House of Representatives from passing a U ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-19


... l, Washington University and Emeritus Professor of Soci ...全文

今日信報時事評論李正儀 David Meyer2024年03月19日

Look forward to breakthrough of PropTech

The Government will select 10 public housing estates as pilot projects for smart estate management next year to try a variety of innovative technologies. The Secretary for Housing, Winnie Ho, pointed ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-18

La Scala Ballet’s Spectacular Corsaire in HK Arts Festival

La Scala Ballet, the most prestigious ballet company of Italy, last performed in the Hong Kong Arts Festival exactly ten years ago. So its return to this year’s Festival with “Le Corsaire” (The Pirate ...More

EJ Insight2024-03-18

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