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無色勝有色 沉穩安靜居

... 其滿意。書房內再飾以Tower of London Bridge的黑白照片、英國設計師Matthew Kine ...全文


How Hong Kong has changed and why I'm still optimistic

Hong Kong has changed a lot in the past three years, so much so that even scientists -- who normally stay inside the ivory tower and their laboratories concentrating on experiments -- feel that the co ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-05


... 蒼鷺塔(Heron Tower),若安邦勝出,將會是該公司首個英國收購項目。此外,安邦獲中國保監會批准收購荷蘭 ...全文


Lessons investors should learn from the market crash

... tion of a tower company and 4G growth momentum. Mainland property plays will see improving sales amid monetary easing measures. Investors should also switch to military, airline and infrastructure sto ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-21

中環甲廈1.7%空置 七年新低

... 乏新供應,如銅鑼灣的Tower 535,所以中環寫字樓供應緊絀的情況,未來數月會令部分租客遷到其他區域。 另外 ...全文


高達熨斗人 宅男也瘋狂

... One Piece Tower和J-World Tokyo,可以說是動漫粉絲勢必朝拜的主題樂園, 到時可以跟《 ...全文



... ,例如哈姆雷特塔區(Tower Hamlets)升3.3%;克羅伊登區(Croydon)升4.4%;紐漢區(N ...全文


Elderly man gets 7 days' jail for attacking Occupy protester

...  of China Tower in Admiralty. Magistrate Lee Shiu-ho said Thursday that Man showed no remorse for his actions and there is a high chance that he will commit a similar crime again, so a jail sentence w ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-17

Cargo plane on test flight catches fire after HAECO maintenance

... e control tower to be allowed to land. He also asked for an emergency unit to be on standby. A total of 14 fire engines and an ambulance were dispatched to the runway after the fire department was ale ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-15

兩工廈申請改建酒店 共涉345房

... 葵涌工廈Toppy Tower,近日提出規劃申請,擬整幢改裝為酒店。物業位於國瑞路45至51號,地盤面積逾1. ...全文



素里分層住宅新盤Evolve Tower今年4月推出發售,單位售價由9.39萬加元(約60萬港元)起,價格之低 ...全文


Septuagenarian found guilty of attacking Occupy activist

...  of China Tower in Admiralty on Oct. 13, 2014. Man Ho-chuen had denied the charge, saying that he merely stretched out his right hand in self-defense and accidentally hit the neck of the activist, Cha ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-03

Chinese airstrip on Spratlys artificial island almost finished

... ble radar tower were visible on Fiery Cross Reef, it said. The images also show a Chinese naval vessel moored in a port. Recent images of Chinese-occupied South Johnson Reef also show a large multilev ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-02

倫敦Maine Tower盡享地利優勢

... 住宅大廈Maine Tower,大部份單位可飽覽倫敦天際景觀,更附設尊貴會所設施,充分滿足生活所需。 倫敦是英 ...全文



... 單位可盡覽地標CN Tower及無敵湖景。步行3分鐘即可到達全球最大的地下商城PATH System,全長達2 ...全文


新加坡The Scotts Tower 尊尚都會生活
位處核心區域 市內美景盡收眼底

... he Scotts Tower座落新加坡第九區,毗鄰主要購物帶及金融中心,交通網絡貫連各區,享有獨特的地利優勢 ...全文


Why luxury flats will have more takers in HK

Swire Properties has just sold a super-deluxe duplex apartment at its Opus tower for nearly HK$500 million (US$80.5 million), setting a new record as Asia’s most expensive apartment in terms of price ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-09

87 Peter Residence升值力強

... 分單位更可瞭望CN Tower及優美湖景,是投資或自住的首選。 自從加元兌換率低落,利息創歷史性新低,加上香港 ...全文


Farewell, Ernest Chi, the human lie-detector

... duit Road tower were never completed. The revelations, which led to suspicions that the company was trying to jack up prices by inflating the demand, prompted authorities to impose new rules with rega ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-16

HK firm makes statement as sole developer of NY condo tower

A Hong Kong company is building a 38-story residential tower in Midtown, the first condominium project in Manhattan by a Chinese developer without a local partner. Euro Properties recently unveiled 11 ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-13

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