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Europe should de-risk from China, but not disengage

...  the last two decades, the company has invested more than nine billion euros in Greater China; with partners, the figure reaches more than 13 billion euros. Wuttke said he very much favoured Chinese i ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-28

Would Redhill Peninsula be in red?

...  the last two weeks. According to a local newspaper, a seller revised the offer price of its detached house to HK$67 million, or about HK$21,320 per square feet. The four-bedroom unit also includes a ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-28

Europe should de-risk from China, but not disengage

...  the last two decades, the company has invested more th ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年09月28日

“Unretiring”: Why Recent Retirees Want to Go Back to Work

... s reflect two answer options out of nine. Respondents could choose all that apply therefore the results will not total 100%. Returning to work doesn’t always mean returning to a previous career or wor ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-27


... 年憑《戰地兩女性》(Two Women)成為美國奧斯卡和法國康城影展雙料影后,是二十世紀最知名的影壇天后之一。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2023年09月26日

Hong Kong to re-enter world market through the Middle East

... e of just two years, Hong Kong has leaped from 15th to 9th place on the United Nation’s frontier technologies readiness index, demonstrating that the city’s progressive policies, investment, and long- ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-25


... 盛(Winton)和Two Sigma均有中國業務,尚不清楚這些海外公司是否遭遇問詢。中國大型量化私募基金則包 ...全文


To Protect Democracy, Revive Local Journalism

... ery week, two more disappear. The decline of local journalism is driven by many factors, but economic challenges top the list. Earlier in the internet era, Craigslist supplanted the classified ads tha ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-20

Europe must get serious about critical minerals

... n produce two-thirds of the electric-vehicle batteries the EU needs. To repeat this success story, we must avoid looking at the critical raw-materials challenge in isolation. All initiatives related t ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15

How global currencies end

... inated by two large economies at loggerheads, only one of which benefits from the dollar’s “exorbitant privilege.” Similarly, Lula’s common-currency campaign reflects the view that the rising power an ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15


... 會停下,沒take two,連後悔機會也沒有。   ...全文


The key to sustainable food systems

... em, these two objectives are interlinked. Translating this into public policies has taken on new urgency, given that rapid global warming, population growth, public-health crises, volatile energy mark ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-14

GIC研加碼投資華 看好先進製造業等

... 基金外,美資對沖基金Two Sigma Investments亞太區執行長Kenny Lam接受彭博訪問時亦說 ...全文


COVID-19’s lessons for climate action

... n Malawi, two destructive storms compounded a protracted cholera outbreak that claimed more than 1,600 lives. The list goes on. But the effects are not distributed evenly: nine in ten deaths and 60% o ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-13

Elected Criminals

... less than two before his conviction was annulled. Others have benefited politically from their time behind bars, Adolf Hitler being the most infamous example. Before his failed coup d’état in Munich i ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-12

Can Hong Kong tap the opportunities in autonomous driving?

An essential driver for autonomous driving (AD) development is precision of maps. There are two very different approaches for AD, the so-called Waymo model and the Tesla version, according to Wang Xia ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-12

Equal love for all should not be political or politicised

... e between two fully informed and autonomous human beings, ought to be respected - irrespective of their sexual orientations or genders. This, mind you, also systemically rules out instances that criti ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-12

Elected Criminals

... less than two before his conviction was annulled. Others have benefited politically from their time behind bars, Adolf Hitler being the most infamous example. Before his failed coup d’état in Munich i ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-11

極端天氣趨頻繁 勿讓天災變人禍

... 人亡了就無Take two,極端天氣愈趨常見,百年一遇的災難不排除二遇、三遇,政府多年來花大量公帑做應急防災準 ...全文


Will Terry Gou become Taiwan’s President?

... eans that two of the opposition candidates would have to drop out and leave only one on the ballot paper to beat Lai. One option would be for one of the two to become the vice-presidential candidate o ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-08

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