
共 2524 個結果
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預留貨機空間 美聖誕物流添壓

... it Crimes Unit),打擊平台上的假冒商品。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年11月26日

Hong Kong people become experts in UK property market

... es in the United Kingdom. Since the start of the protes ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2020年11月26日


... (Business Unit)整合,消費者業務CEO余承東擔任總負責人。 消息指出,華為上述兩個部門在投資層面 ...全文


COVID-19 to turbocharge HK’s fintech revolution

... new opportunities for technology-driven firms, and Hong Kong has the potential to lead in this new revolution of business. Home to numerous fintechs and digital-first firms, the COVID-19 pandemic has ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-02

Will home market keep the winning roll beyond 2020?

... g Kong to United Kingdom or other countries. With this, one can imagine the residential market cannot be good this year given half of the people have been and might as well be still working from home ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-16


... U,Compute Unit),1536個流處理器(stream processors,為圖形渲染管線而運行的 ...全文


The era of COVID-19: Navigating the future of workplace

... elligence Unit and commissioned by WeWork, the study reveals that remote working is here to stay. Workers will return to their offices as the pandemic crisis recedes, but working remotely is likely to ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-14

數據應用急增 Nvidia一家獨大

... rocessing Unit,GPU)的多功能化使Nvidia潛能無限。歷史上,電腦的數據處理一直都是依靠CP ...全文


Local universities help foster financial technology development

... elligence Unit (ElU) in June this year, over 80% of the senior executives of the interviewed banks also pointed out the talent issue as the major challenge in AI adoption. One of the major solutions w ...More

EJ Insight2020-08-03


... 增27.2%,EQ units(Equivalent Unit,同等單位)24%而單價上升2.6%,從數據看似 ...全文


Working from home: Answer the phone or you’re fired

... uare foot unit with all the noise and distraction coming from other family members and neighbors? But those things now seem minor inconveniences. We have to work by whatever means. Otherwise, how will ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-15

The re-invention of modern equities

...  an opportunity to look back at how listings have changed. While we still call it “going public”, the term may feel outdated when set against the complexities of modern financial markets with their al ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-15


... nalytical unit)有更廣泛的定義,所以安全不只適用於在國家層面,而是應該涵括個人(individu ...全文


全球疫歿逾36萬 實際不止

...  Analysis Unit)已退休的協調人員馬瑟斯(Colin Mathers)表示,當看到死亡人數大幅增長 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global新冠肺炎2020年05月30日

The new normal: WFHF or working from home forever

... uare-foot unit if both of them are working from home, not to mention if they have kids. Not many homes in Hong Kong are stand-alone structures with their own basement and garden like in western countr ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-27


... 當地企業Urban Unit的行政總裁謝爾迪爾(Khalid Sherdil)。航班PK8303由旁遮省省會拉 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年05月23日

IEA料供求失衡改善 紐約油價創6周高

... elligence Unit經濟師Cailin Birch認為,產油國前所未有的減產措施開始發揮效力,推動市場 ...全文


Spatial data ecosystem key to unleash data potential

... tion, the United Kingdom, as a pioneer in open spatial data, points out that to unleash the power of data, a sound ecosystem is required. Therefore, the government must ensure: 1) Public and private f ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-28

善用二八法則 中小企致勝關鍵

... g Keeping Unit)便佔全部銷售額的八成;餘下80%的SKU,雖然僅佔銷售額的兩成,卻是主要利潤來源 ...全文


彌補學制離地 培育科技專才

... ral Dogma Unit,可讓初中生作簡單DNA檢測。老師可使用專屬手機應用程式(App),監察學習進度。 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年04月16日

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