
共 2524 個結果
頁數:1...4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ...127

Why is the Fed considering a digital dollar?

... tween the United States and China. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) will almost certainly be the first major central bank to roll out a digital currency, in 2022 at the latest. If the US doesn’t move ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-11

Goodbye, UA Cinemas!

... moy Plaza unit and its cinema at Times Square owed nearly HK$2 million to Wharf Real Estate Investment. It had zero income over the past six months but still had to shoulder the burden of high rents a ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-10

The bitcoin lottery

... the opportunity to stow one’s savings in a digital currency is obviously an inviting one. By the same token, there has long been a case to be made for creating a new world currency – or upgrading the ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-09

債券通南向交易 爭取今年開通

... eymarkets Unit,CMU系統)的效率和容量,並引入新功能,應付「債券通」北向交易與日俱增的需求,以 ...全文



... eymarkets Unit)(CMU系統)的效率和容量,並引入新功能,應付「債券通」北向交易下與日俱增的市場 ...全文



... (Business Unit)「阿頭」都係「八十後」呀? 戴孤劃:其實,除了之前說的新一代「海歸派」外,現在也 ...全文


車企停工 白宮經濟顧問致函

... ontroller Unit)供應受到影響,使汽車晶片短缺情況惡化。該行認為,晶片短缺與產能不足,將使華虹半導 ...全文


Getting the cost of carbon pollution right

US President Joe Biden deserves congratulations for committing the United States to rejoin global efforts to combat climate change. But America and the world must respond to the challenge efficiently. ...More

EJ Insight2021-02-18

「Blank Check」公司

... 大眾是購買「單位」(Unit)參與投資,按慣例每「單位」價格通常是10美元。SPAC在申請IPO募集投資所需的 ...全文



... ontroller Unit)、功率半導體(IGBT、MOSFET 等)及傳感器等。主控晶片 MCU 將 CP ...全文



... stigative Unit」的英文縮寫,它是日本警視廳根據特殊情況,所成立的第四機動搜查隊,屬臨時性質,目的 ...全文


Combatting the rise of opportunistic fraud amid pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced organisations globally to adjust to a “new normal” requiring employees to work from home which has inevitably led to an increase in opportunities for fraudsters. It is ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-12

Using technology to help lose weight and fight the epidemic

... Center, a United States academic medical centre affiliated with New York University, conducted an analysis for patients aged 60 or younger who were diagnosed with Covid-19. It was found that the numbe ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-28

How HSBC Jade financing solutions enhance wealth accumulation

Being asset rich does not mean one’s liquidity needs are always fully covered. Interesting business opportunities may come up, or there could be unexpected spending, or anticipated cash inflows not be ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-22

台積電格芯產能近滿 全球缺晶片

... ontroller unit)遲遲未到,整個電子業都持續面臨零件短缺問題,「原本一個月內可完成的生產,似乎要拖 ...全文


Assessing China’s prospects for carbon neutrality

At the United Nations General Assembly this September, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced that China aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Given that China has been the planet’s single-larges ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-11

英國設機構阻fb Google壟斷

... l Markets Unit,簡稱DMU)執行新的反壟斷法規,監管fb、Google等大型平台的商業行動,以免 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年11月28日

促員工勿干擾 應聚焦通訊技術

... (Business Unit)的業務管轄關係,從ICT業務管理委員會調整到消費者業務管理委員會,同時任命華為常 ...全文


Hong Kong people become experts in UK property market

... es in the United Kingdom. Since the start of the protests and especially Britain’s offer to accept holders of BNO passports in July, the city’s residents have been bombarded with advertisements for th ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-26

The implications of 5G for the technology landscape in Hong Kong

... rocessing unit (CPU) architectures, is no longer applicable, and industries moved forward to graphics processing units (GPUs) to cope with more performance demanding applications. Beyond spurring deve ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-26

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