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印尼地震162人死亡 救援人員搜尋幸存者

印尼西爪哇省(West Java)周一發生5.6級淺層地震,造成160多人死亡,救援人員在餘震中搜尋被困在廢墟 ...全文



印尼西爪哇省(West Java)周一發生5.6級淺層地震,增至162人死亡,700人受傷,當局估計死亡人數可 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年11月22日

悉尼小學實驗課 12師生意外灼傷

... 嚴重。 Manly West小學一群10至11歲的5年級學生在老師指導下,周一下午1時20分在北部海灘進行戶外 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年11月22日


... 地震震央在西爪哇省(West Java),震源深度10公里。 ...全文


印尼5.6級地震 據報至少20死

印尼發生5.6級地震,路透引述地方官員指出,至少20人死亡。 印尼氣象當局表示,地震震央在西爪哇省(West ...全文



... 來自Rumaila及West Qurna 2等大型油田區。參與Rumaila開發的公司包括中國石油(00857 ...全文


Puma前舵手明年任adidas CEO

... 饒舌歌手Kanye West的Yeezy品牌結束合作關係的adidas,把全年盈利預測由約5億歐羅進一步削至約 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2022年11月10日


... 饒舌歌手Kanye West,近日也在場邊觀看兒子Saint的足球賽時,與其他家長爆發罵戰,最後更悻悻然離場。 ...全文


Kanye West「仇猶」言論 adidas損失巨

... 饒舌歌手Kanye West在Twitter出Tweet自由發表言論。該Tweet不久被移除,Kanye的賬戶 ...全文


The next global resource crisis

The West’s dependence on China for so-called critical minerals once worried only a handful of experts and policy wonks. Now, the anxiety has gone mainstream, capturing headlines and becoming the subje ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-04

TSMC navigates stormy seas of Sino-US Cold War

... s in northwest and central Taiwan that are more cost-efficient than any of its competitors in the world. Some call them the most valuable real estate in the world, worth more than Fifth Avenue in down ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-03


... 財務總監Brian West披露,第四季淨現金流入額為25億元,今年預料介乎10億至20億元,明年開始恢復交付 ...全文


TSMC navigates stormy seas of Sino-US Cold War

... s in northwest and central Taiwan that are more cost-ef ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年11月03日

China’s diminishing returns

... te like a Western-style banking crisis, the concomitant fall in lending will still inhibit growth. Real estate constitutes such a large share of China’s economy that a sustained slowdown could cause y ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-01

The West needs an energy and resource alliance

The old line that “history does not repeat itself, but often rhymes,” is an apt description of the evolving relationship between the West and its rivals. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union was a gl ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-31

Kanye West反猶遭割席 Yeezy二手價勁飆

美國黑人饒舌歌手Kanye West早前連番發表涉及種族爭議及反猶太的言論,上周遭各大品牌相繼割席,其中包括已 ...全文


Does this emigration exceed that of pre-1997?

...  U.S. The West is increasing its investment in Southeast Asia.” Other discouraging factors are the unclear supervisory environment for the high-tech, education and property sectors in the mainland, wh ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-24

Reading Kissinger on leadership

... ngratiate West Germany with members of the Warsaw Pact (albeit not Russia per se) through apologising for wartime atrocities. Through these gestures, he took to affirming and committing towards rehabi ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-19

Wars aren’t won with peacetime economies

... he entire West, Ukrainians alone are doing all the fighting and bearing the full brunt of Russian attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure. Meanwhile, Europe and America have provided economic ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-18

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