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... 敦投射包括,是西區(West End)劇院、占士邦、英國皇室,卻也有肖迪奇(Shoreditch)的「文青氣質 ...全文


Who should coordinate Ukraine’s reconstruction?

...  to match Western European gauges but no suitable rolling stock. It will have school buildings but no textbooks or laptop computers, as donors scramble to take credit for visible reconstruction projec ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-12

What caused the Ukraine War?

Russia’s war in Ukraine is the most disruptive conflict that Europe has seen since 1945. While many in the West see a war of choice by Russian President Vladimir Putin, he says that NATO’s 2008 decisi ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-10


... 代表韋斯特(Tom West)前往卡塔爾首都多哈,與塔利班代表團會談,其中包括塔利班的情報部門主管瓦西克(Ab ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年10月10日

正義女神 造福經濟

... 估計單在西孟加拉邦(West Bengal)已經創造39億美元收益。(法新社圖片)   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global金錢圖譜2022年10月08日

Putin won’t go nuclear, but wants the world to think he’ll

...  wear the West down through intermittently tampering with the supply of gas and oil; drag Europe through a winter of despair, then discontent, in order to sow divisions in the purported union straddli ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-07

What if no one wins?

On great power politics – some say, the East shall prevail; others say, the West shall win out. The presumption underpinning the “X wins, Y loses” logic, is that the nature of hegemonic contests is in ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-06

What if no one wins?

...  say, the West shall win out. The presumption underpinn ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年10月06日

高盛新成立私募基金 規模達756億

... 高盛表示,新基金名為West Street Capital Partners VIII,將投資在公司規模介乎7 ...全文


全球首推英國西倫敦1區 West End Gate倫敦物業展銷會

英國名牌發展商Berkeley Group打造West End Gate最新一期The Residences ...全文


North British city welcomes Hongkongers with God and rugby

Ask many British people where is Warrington and they would be hard put to find it on the map. But now this city of 210,000 in the northwest of England has become home to one of the several “Little Hon ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-26


... 優之強,認定西方人(westerners)是文明人,其他「非西方人」(resterners)通通是蠻夷。下焉者 ...全文


In the dollar we trust

... , France, West Germany, and Japan did when they concluded the Plaza Accord of 1985. Nevertheless, the dollar’s current surge is being driven by economic fundamentals. As long as the US economy remains ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-23


... 腺癌等。他強調WE(West+East)醫療是最佳的發展世界醫學的方向。他也強調不是醫病而是保健,中藥的研究是 ...全文



... 財務總監Brian West周四出席活動時稱,一直推遲處理該批客機,但這情況不可無限期持續,將重新向其他客戶推 ...全文


Hong Kong and China drop down Liz Truss’ agenda

Few British Prime Ministers in peacetime have arrived in office with so challenging an agenda as Liz Truss. The pound is at its lowest level since 1985, national debt has reached 100 per cent of Gross ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-13

Kim Kardashian的名利雙收路

... er歌手Kanye West結婚,2022年剛離婚。 以中國人傳統思想,Kim私人男女關係「亂晒大龍」。Kim ...全文


From 3+4 to 0+7

... me in the West towards COVID-19. I am not a fan or advocate of so-called ‘tangping’ (lying flat). Yet precisely because we could ill-afford to lie flat, to remain obstinate and unduly opinionated, it ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-08

Is nuclear war inevitable?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and nuclear saber rattling against the West have revived a debate about nuclear weapons. Last year, when a United Nations treaty to ban such weapons outright entered into ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-07


... shonaland West)為重疫區。當地展開大規模麻疹疫苗接種計劃。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2022年09月07日

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