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恐慌紓緩銀行股彈 道指收市漲382點

... 約社區銀行(New York Community Bancorp)的子公司收購早前被華府接管的Signatur ...全文



美國接連有地區銀行爆煲,紐約社區銀行(New York Community Bancorp,簡稱NYCB)旗下 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年03月21日

恐慌紓緩銀行股彈 道指高收382

... 約社區銀行(New York Community Bancorp)的子公司收購早前被華府接管的Signatur ...全文


紐約社區銀行子企收購Signature Bank資產

紐約社區銀行(New York Community Bancorp)旗下子公司Flagstar Bank已經與 ...全文



美國《紐約郵報》(New York Post)引述消息人士報道,短影音平台TikTok與潛在買家之間的對談正在 ...全文


Who is to blame for the new banking crisis?

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in northern California and Signature Bank in New York are the largest bank busts since 2008. Regional and mid-sized bank stocks have tanked, and depositors and busi ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-17

Russian ballet star delights Hong Kong audiences

... o the New York City Center only two months ago. This Hong Kong programme consisting of seven items lasted only 90 minutes including an interval. Osipova was joined by four male dancers – two classical ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-16

Problem solving skill is key to smart citizens

... ed by New York City, Tokyo, London, Beijing, and Shanghai. It is estimated that each city alone will spend at least US$1 billion (about HK$7.8 billion) in the construction of smart city a year. Out of ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-10

The culture-war trap

... n the New York Times. Signatories were upset by the fact that some articles assumed that the question of gender might not be scientifically settled. One, by the columnist Pamela Paul defending J.K. Ro ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-08


... 3-20. New York: Stockton Press; and London: Macmillan, ...全文



... 包括著名雜誌New York Magazine、時裝品牌Burberry、Jacquemus及Valentin ...全文



... ests. New York: Columbia University Press. 註3:https://w ...全文


High time for a high-seas treaty

... ed in New York to finalize a key piece of the ocean-governance puzzle: a new treaty to conserve and sustainably manage marine biodiversity in the high seas. The high seas cover two-thirds of all ocean ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-27

The crusade to ban ESG makes no sense

...  1970 New York Times Magazine essay, Milton Friedman famously argued that the only social responsibility of business is to maximize shareholder returns. Over the next five decades, the “Friedman doctr ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-27


《紐約郵報》(New York Post)引述知情人士稱,蘋果公司(Apple)開始解除與數百名合同工(con ...全文


My Valentine’s prayer for Mr and Mrs Bowring

...  (now New York Times International Edition) and South China Morning Post. An honorary member of the Society of Publishers in Asia, which praised Bowring’s lifework “embodies the highest standard of jo ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-15

Rebuilding trust in science

... t the New York Academy of Sciences, we have long joined efforts to make science more accessible and better understood. In the 1980s, we held one of the first conferences on AIDS. Today, we continue to ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-14


... 家經營的小店New York Club很有特色,弟弟當主廚,Trudy做店小二兼外賣員,她老媽更是廚藝高手,醃 ...全文


China’s autocracy in crisis

... ed to New York City’s JFK or most other major airports in the United States), and even entire cities in a matter of years. When the Party is always right, obstacles such as public opinion or parliamen ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-18


... 的約克角(Cape York)出發,花5個月時間到達南部墨爾本,一路上承受暴雨和高溫,還跑爛了10雙運動鞋。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2023年01月18日

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