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謝沇錤2638萬沽海典居 屋苑次貴

... 幢樓ONE NEW YORK高層D室,實用面積241方呎1房單位,剛以426萬元售出,呎價約17676元。原業 ...全文


多倫多公寓轟殺5人 疑犯與警駁火被擊斃

... 北約30公里約克區(York)的警方接報,一名男子在一幢公寓槍擊數名居民。警員到場後與槍手駁火,槍手中槍後當場 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年12月20日


... 證券交易所(New York Stock Exchange),次名是納斯特,季軍屬上海交易所,第四名是荷蘭Eu ...全文


Protests show maintaining stable US-China ties isn’t easy

... . The New York Times cited one estimate that roughly 40% of the country’s people were under lockdown at the time. Frustration had been building up over seemingly endless Covid tests and lockdowns. The ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-06


... ort 均為New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. 的商標。COMEX 為Com ...全文


ERGO222® X ONE消毒儀奪紐約設計金獎

... 下一城,勇奪NEW YORK Design Awards科技及個人使用金獎!ERGO Healthtech憑藉 ...全文


Dealing with challenges when adopting Kubernetes

... t The New York Times, streaming platform Spotify and high-traffic consumer apps Tinder and Airbnb have integrated Kubernetes in their services. If the entire APJ region is going to keep up with the re ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-17

Who broke American democracy?

... ecent New York Times/Siena poll, two-thirds of voters believe that government “mainly works to benefit powerful elites.” This view is not confined to election deniers, or to Republicans, or to the les ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-28

Health solidarity is health security

... f the New York Office of the UN Conference on Trade and Development, argued that COVAX enabled corporate interests to use UN processes to safeguard their profits, with little regard to the social cost ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-27

Fighting polio to the finish

... on in New York. It was the first US case in nearly a decade. Then, the virus was found in wastewater in other parts of New York State, which followed the news that London had also detected poliovirus ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-17

The populist climate threat

... ecent New York Times investigation shows, Hungarian energy companies that have profited from the sale of Russian oil have channeled massive funds to politically aligned charities, where the funds then ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-05


... h II——New York Times在全球鋪天蓋地的頌讚中,不能不出奇制勝用上這標題。早前傳出駕崩消息,英 ...全文


On the Queen

Queen Elizabeth II passed away after a long – and near-unprecedented-in-length tenure of over seven decades. I was in New York City when the news of her passing broke. The city was swept by a subdued, ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-16

On the Queen

... as in New York City when the news of her passing broke. ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年09月16日

Why the Fed should wait and see

... nk of New York’s Global Supply Chain Pressure Index has fallen sharply from its peaks last fall to just above where it was before the pandemic. While shipping costs are still well above their pre-pand ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-13

Rays of hope in the climate struggle

... ch in New York City, confounding all turnout estimates and prompting then-United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to speak out and emphasize how important protests are. Like the IRA, these victor ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-30

Doubts about the future of Web 3.0

... ng to New York Times, starting from 2018, Bitcoin mining uses electricity more than the entire Denmark yearly which has a population of 5.83 million. Mining difficulty peaked in May 2021 with at least ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-29

How EY supports corporates in igniting GBA opportunities

... owing New York and London, and continues to be Asia’s most important global financial center. Over the years, Hong Kong has long been leveraging the support from the motherland while engaging with the ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-16

Taking back the ocean

... ng in New York this week, are expected to produce a legal framework for governing all marine areas beyond coastal countries’ EEZs. The high seas comprise 64% of the ocean’s surface area and host the l ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-16

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