
共 3000 個結果
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Two shades of growth for an uncertain market

... owers are young disruptors, in a new or developing industry, and offer significant upside potential. They reinvest their cash flow into sales, marketing, research, product development, and achieving s ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-28

白宮據報設限30日 聯邦設備須禁絕TikTok

... 任Shalanda Young知會各機構,要求所有聯邦政府部門在限期前完成刪除短視頻平台TikTok程式。 備 ...全文


朝核試污染地下水 中日韓民眾受危害

... 永煥(Hubert Young-hwan Lee)強調報告意義重大,表明北韓核試不只威脅當地人民生命,更可能影 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年02月22日

《華日》:平保入局滙控遭拒 致關係裂痕

... 亞洲區主席Hugh Young指出,滙控未來如何在去全球化(deglobalization)時代為中國和西方服 ...全文


Foxconn has ambitious targets in Electric Vehicles

... irman Liu Young-way said: “Our heartfelt hope is that Taiwan can seize this once-in-a-hundred years, rare EV business opportunity.”But it faces formidable challenges, not least in China, the world’s l ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-13

Hong Kong stunned by suicide in London of gifted student

... said that young people in Hong Kong were influenced by the high standards of hygiene they found in Japan but which were not matched in many parts of Britain. “When I was growing up, Hong Kong was poor ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-09

Hong Kong stunned by suicide in London of gifted student

... said that young people in Hong Kong were influenced by ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年02月09日

TVB小股東聯盟 邀20大股東聯手

... 並邀請除目前主要股東Young Lion之外的前20大股東加入大聯盟。 稍後公布召開股東大會 大聯盟指出,將在 ...全文


運動風氣盛行 李寧增長看俏

... 下銷售點(不包括李寧YOUNG)於整個平台零售流水按年錄得10%至20%中段增長;線下渠道(包括零售及批發)錄 ...全文


發起人傳奇影業董事 曾提購無綫29.9%股份

... 、陳國強等人所持有的Young Lion變相增持TVB。 據當時媒體引述公司註冊處資料報道,傳奇影業成立於20 ...全文


Environmental performance of old buildings needs to be improved

... e solved? Young people and startups, I hope you can find innovative solutions for us as soon as possible. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-18


... )「你們畢竟too young……媒體要提高自己的知識水平,(廣東話)識唔識得呀?你們有一個好,全世界跑到什麼 ...全文



... 托德.揚(Todd Young)抵達台灣進行為期三天的訪問。 ...全文


蔡英文晤美參議員 冀建民主晶片永續產業鏈

台灣總統蔡英文今早會見美國印第安納州參議員托德.揚(Todd Young)所率領訪問團,她致詞表示,面對威權主 ...全文


美印州參議員率團訪台 今與蔡英文會面

美國印第安納州參議員托德.揚(Todd Young),周一晚上率團抵達台北,展開為期3天的訪問行程,台灣總統蔡 ...全文


COP27 experience and the way forward as a young climate advocate

... by global young activists. The Children and Youth Pavilion becomes a platform for youths to voice out their opinions. We organized an event there called “What does Climate Justice mean to Asia-Pacific ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-12

Consumers regain ownership of their data

... the list. Young people, please seize this great opportunity. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-11

Can the youth speak?

... nto “that young person we picked to meet the quota”. I trust that as a cosmopolitan city that is wounded – but not broken, Hong Kong can do much, much more in emancipating not just young individuals, ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-06

Five 'wars' that could lead to higher inflation

... fflicting young people and many middle- and working-class households will continue to drive a backlash against liberal democracy and free-market capitalism. To prevent populist regimes from coming to ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-03


... 困難。《少年阿默》(Young Ahmed, 2019)則講述在激進宗教信仰影響下,一個穆斯林少年掙扎要不要殺 ...全文


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