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國企倘停用四大會計行 安永據報最傷

... nst & Young)受到的衝擊可能會最大。該公司約10%的在華收入由國企貢獻。 據彭博對中國註冊會 ...全文


Do as the locals do in Hong Kong

Why isn't there a McDonald’s outlet on Macdonnell Road? The post went viral at Little Red Book, or Xiaohongshu, over the golden weekend when young mainland visitors were eager to share their unique tr ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-10

Could Taiwan choose Gou Tai-ming of Foxconn as President?

... ent among young college graduates,” he said. The KMT candidate will face Vice President Lai Ching-te, whom the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has chosen for the race. Another likely candida ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-09


... ouncil of Young Political Leaders, ACYPL)到訪,表達對台灣的關心。 訪 ...全文


Will Hong Kong government get more tax revenue next year?

... ed out by young buyers. Hong Kong has a good start, and barring another black swan, there should be little worry from the Inland Revenue. -- Contact us at [email protected]   ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-03

Hong Kong’s recovery: Greatest threat is parochialism

... ny the of young minds of the 1997 generation were terrified about the future, sentiments which were unfortunately amplified by an education system that did not help them understand what the return to ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-27

Why not put it on ice?

Ice Hockey must be the last sport that anyone would associate with Hong Kong, yet our young sportsmen and women have been achieving remarkable international success at this, the most violent of all sp ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-25

【異動股】線下渠道銷售佳 李寧裂口高開一成三

... 售點計算(不包括李寧YOUNG),整個平台的同店銷售按年錄得高單位數下降。就渠道而言,零售渠道錄得低單位數下降 ...全文


開市焦點:期指低開90點 留意中移動 中電信 李寧

... 售點計算(不包括李寧YOUNG),整個平台的同店銷售按年錄得高單位數下降。 深圳控股(00604):公布3月合 ...全文



李寧(02331)公布,首季以李寧銷售點計算(不包括李寧YOUNG),整個平台的同店銷售按年錄得高單位數下降。 ...全文



李寧(02331)公布,首季以李寧銷售點計算(不包括李寧YOUNG),整個平台的同店銷售按年錄得高單位數下降。 ...全文



會計師事務所安永(Ernst & Young)周一宣布將裁減美國約3000個職位,少於5%當地人手,以 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2023年04月19日

生產力過剩 安永在美裁員3000人

四大會計師行之一的安永(Ernst & Young)在決定取消分拆核數及顧問業務後,宣布在美國裁減30 ...全文



四大會計師行之一的安永(Ernst & Young)周二表示,由於部分合夥人強烈反對,決定取消分拆核數 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2023年04月13日

The secret of staying ahead in tech world for over 50 years

... k reminds young people that there are three keys to success and happiness; namely hard work, contribution, and friendships with all as equally important. I couldn't agree more. In addition to hard wor ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-12

Tick TikTok goes globalization

... thirds of young people oppose a ban. Given that this age cohort leans heavily Democratic, their opposition could threaten Biden’s re-election chances. Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-03

Hong Kong start-up wins first Deignan Award

... vested in young people, with the youngest staff member only 19. “We support them to go through education, including overseas. We allow them to make mistakes and accept their weaknesses. The young are ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-30


... 需求,並強調最大股東Young Lion沒有任何出售計劃,且認同公司的發展方向。他續稱,自從通關後,超過50家 ...全文



... 需求,又強調最大股東Young Lion沒有任何出售計劃。他續稱,自從通關後不少內地機構投資者要求與管理層見面 ...全文


傳奇紅寶 迷人櫻桃

... 爾士州西南部的楊鎮(Young)設立了全國首個櫻桃果園,此後「櫻桃之都」便開始舉辦著名的「櫻桃節」,至今已有大 ...全文


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