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聯合國經濟師司徒偉傑 派駐盧旺達獲最大滿足感

... 機構的青年專才計劃(Young Professionals Programme)。他成功獲聯合國列為入選者,不 ...全文


TVB向吳繼煒發換股債 籌1.56億

...  換股後,華人文化及Young Lion等的持股量,將由現時的22.09%攤薄至20.46%,續為TVB單一最 ...全文


University graduates in China face tough job market

...  million. Young people who are out of work or earn a few thousand yuan a month are in no position to marry, let alone start a family and purchase an apartment. “China is experiencing a chronic demogra ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-15

華人文化借出7億應急 股價插逾一成

... 文化集團(CMC)及Young Lion,批出最高7億元的貸款,融資有效期至明年12月底,年利率為港元拆息(H ...全文



電視廣播(00511)(TVB)宣布,與華人文化集團公司(CMC Inc.)及Young Lion Holdi ...全文


韓研究團內訌 搶發文連推兩版本

... 論文。 第一篇文章由Young-Wan Kwon(權英完,音譯)上載至arXiv,署名依次為Sukbae Le ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 覬覦諾獎2023年08月12日

李寧少賺3.1% 復派中期息
維持收入增長目標 對體品前景樂觀

... 點共6167個、李寧YOUNG品牌在內地有1281個,合共7448個,較去年底減少155個。 另外,李寧發通告 ...全文


拜登促國會額外撥款3120億 援烏及救災

... 管Shalanda Young向國會表示,相關撥款包括向世界銀行提供33億美元基建貸款,以應對來自中國的威脅。 ...全文



... 將鷹隊當家球星楊格(Young)等人排除在名單外。 年僅22歲的木狼新星安東尼艾華士(Edwards)回應外 ...全文


The politics and philosophy of ‘Barbie’

... ically by young toddlers, girls, and tweens. That’s ‘Barbie’ for you. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-09

How GIS integrates with feng shui

Now in its 11th year, the annual Esri Young Scholars Award is a competition for worldwide tertiary students to pursue projects of their own choice using geographic information systems (GIS) with sugge ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-09

For the love of Trump

... did. Some young white men now feel drawn to the far right, but Trump has nothing like the support of students that the Nazis had. If the Republican Party nominates Trump as its presidential candidate, ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-03

Hong Kong’s competitive edge in post-Covid talent competition

... hat equip young Hongkongers with the skills and knowledge needed to compete in the talent pool that the city aspires to become. Co-author: Ms. Ruoxi Li, Research Assistant, PReCIT, PolyU -- Contact us ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-31

AI changes everything

... at 71% of young Americans (aged 17 to 24) were unfit for service, and since then the share has risen to 77%. But it has technologies that earlier generations could scarcely have imagined. War is being ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-27

India’s road to urbanisation

...  not only young, but also well-educated, so it has great potential. She said, "this generation of young Indians will be the largest consumers and labour source in the knowledge and network goods econo ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-25


... 管Shalanda Young。 各地政府今年付債息18萬億 此外,評級機構惠譽表示,低息時代結束,意味各國政 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年07月22日

Where have all the top students gone?

... ract more young mainland students who fancy working in the exciting new media. Those who opted for financial sectors might be thrilled to know the local banking and insurance sectors are still booming ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-20

The World Bank reflects our ambition

... women and young people, and the development it underpins must be resilient to shocks, such as those related to climate change, biodiversity loss, pandemics, and conflict and fragility. It also must be ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-18

聖保祿學校展巧思 榮膺少年金融人才

... 計劃」,入圍隊伍經過Young Founders School導師教授市場策略及簡報設計要點後,須於決賽就金融 ...全文



... in et al.:Young children perceive less humanness in out ...全文


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