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資金瘋炒復甦 大行火上加油

... 亦漲6.6%。美國的AK Steel周三在美股收市後宣布,調高每噸鋼材價格40美元,部分產品則減少折扣優惠。特 ...全文



... 肉緊三分落力。左邊有AK-47,右邊有迫擊炮,且看熱刺怎樣避開子彈亂舞? ...全文


What Chinese tourists are tipping in Egypt

... rs in Karnak, according to the Wall Street Journal. An Egyptian guide gave him directions. To show his gratitude, Ye handed him a small red tin the size of a large coin. Inside was a cooling mentholat ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-11

India blames Pakistan after Kashmir attack kills 17 soldiers

India has accused Pakistan of being behind Sunday's separatist attack on an army base near their disputed frontier that killed 17 soldiers. Four commando-style gunmen, armed with AK-47 assault rifles ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-19

3兇徒執行「布魯塞爾式」恐襲 疑IS策劃

... 分別在客運大樓內外以AK-47自動步槍亂槍掃射,警員開槍制止他們後,其中兩人在入境大堂引爆身上炸彈,另一人在停 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年06月30日


...  葉繼歡九十年代手持AK-47突擊步槍站在馬路瘋狂掃射,與警察駁火逾42響,多次打劫金行,全城風聲鶴唳,但他搵 ...全文


布魯塞爾連環恐襲 逾35死230傷
全歐震怒 IS認責 比利時最高戒備

... 警方在他身旁搜獲一支AK-47步槍,亦在現場搜出未引爆的炸彈腰帶。據稱爆炸前曾傳出槍聲,有人高喊阿拉伯語。布魯 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年03月23日

指揮官稱報復軍方 4兇徒被擊斃

... 省(Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)的帕夏汗大學(Bacha Khan University),多名武裝 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年01月21日

傳媒戒慎恐懼 言論自由受損

... 染有鮮血,並背着一支AK-47自動步槍,神色慌張,封面寫上「一年了:兇手仍逍遙法外」。周刊漫畫家里斯(Riss ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年01月08日


... 不少見。 4.為什麼AK-47步槍會那麼泛濫? 在全球各種大大小小的武器當中,最聞名的相信是原產於俄羅斯的AK ...全文

今日信報EJ Global軍火Q&A林伊2015年12月12日

IS火力強 伊拉克奉獻多

... 巴格達迪(Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi)更招攬了不少前侯賽因政權時的精銳共和國衞隊成員,協助訓練I ...全文

今日信報EJ Global寰球信識曾維駿2015年12月12日


... 步槍,包括兩支中國製AK-47及兩支前南斯拉夫製Zasatva M70,而這些步槍後來被用於巴黎恐襲。德國警方 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global巴黎恐襲2015年11月28日


... 忘記了恐怖分子拿的是AK-47。 此外,亦有評論藉此抨擊奧巴馬,指他將精神時間放在氣候變化問題上,疏忽了反恐, ...全文



... ,有人肉自殺炸彈、有AK亂槍掃射。最年輕的槍手才十五歲…… 巴黎市民立即用推特,標籤#PorteOuverte ...全文


Turkey blames IS for bombing, vows election will go on

... y for his AK Party. Thousands of people gathered near the scene of the attack at Ankara's main railway station, many accusing Erdogan of stirring nationalist sentiment by his pursuit of a military cam ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-12


... ,危及正義與發展黨(AK Party)的傳統票倉,讓總統埃爾多安的集權大計受到挑戰。 親庫爾德異軍威脅執政黨 ...全文


Kurdish party thwarts Erdogan's ambitions in Turkish election

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan's hopes of assuming greater powers suffered a serious blow when the ruling AK Party failed to win an outright majority in a parliamentary election, preliminary results ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-08

Taliban says it was behind attack in Kabul that killed 11

... a pistol, AK-47 and explosive materials was targeting the concert. "We have pinpointed the location precisely and found out the exact time of the event," Mujahid said. Police and army forces quickly s ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-14

Three Brooklyn men charged with jihadist conspiracy

United States prosecutors have charged three men with conspiracy, including two who planned to travel to Syria to fight alongside Islamist jihadists. One of the men, Akhror Saidakhmetov, 19, of Kazakh ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-26

Turkey's Erdogan slammed over media arrests

... tment, speaking "as Turkey's friend and ally", called on Turkish authorities to protect media freedom and other democratic values, the report said. The raids on Zaman daily and Samanyolu television ma ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-15

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