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...  = Safety by design:設計以安全為本──此乃最多持份者支持的第一原則,並且視為保障消費者之最 ...全文


Hong Kong is losing its appeal for Westerners

... ons taken by Beijing and Hong Kong authorities may nega ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年08月26日

Phony ideology

... . I stand by the guesswork despite Biden’s sharply worded comments of late. At a fundraiser two weeks ago, he warned that China’s struggles with high unemployment and an aging work force make the coun ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-25

The health benefits of financial inclusion

... increased by 19%. More importantly, two nationally representative household-level surveys have shown improved health in these districts compared to similar districts where the policy did not apply. Th ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-25

Preparing Hong Kong’s education system for a multi-polar world

... d natural byproducts of foreign policy follies of powers that have clearly over-reached, and the yearning for recognition and status of powers that have been under-represented at the world stage. A re ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-25

The global order’s triple policy challenge

... acerbated by the sharp increase in global interest rates and the decrease in private capital inflows to emerging-market economies. Several recent initiatives seek to tackle the triple challenge of sus ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-24

Hong Kong is losing its appeal for Westerners

... ons taken by Beijing and Hong Kong authorities may negatively impact company staff, finances, legal compliance reputation and operations,” he said. In a report published last Friday, the European Unio ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-24


...  movement by consumers away from tobacco consumption, C ...全文


How automation keeps enterprises ahead of the curve

... fy change by cutting down menial tasks and provides an efficient way for businesses to manage, change and adapt not just certain parts of their organisational infrastructure, but their operations as a ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-22

Dynamic trends ignite optimism for growth stocks

While 2022 was challenging for equity markets, growth stocks rebounded in the first half of 2023, driven by resilient corporate earnings, moderating inflation, and strong consumer demand. Growth stock ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-21


... t 45號的豪宅V by Crown,8樓的一個1房單位最近放租,叫租每周670澳元(約3390港元),較同區 ...全文



...  wines),每杯by the glass約150毫升,會含有大概最多4克左右的碳水化合物。 經過特別處理的 ...全文


The debt supercycle comes to China

... ges posed by a significant growth slowdown, combined with high debt levels – especially for local governments and the property sector – are unprecedented. China’s current problems can be traced back t ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-18

Why is US inflation falling?

... as fallen by only about one percentage point – much less than the six-percentage-point decline in headline inflation. Moreover, this has happened while labor markets – understood broadly – have loosen ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-18

Managing the AI backlash

Disruptive technologies are rarely welcomed by workers or others with a significant stake in the status quo. Innovation requires adaptation, and adaptation is costly. Powerful incumbents’ resistance t ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-17

The right way to intervene in clean tech

... reshoring by offering generous government support for firms building green-manufacturing capacity in the country. Following suit, the European Union’s Net-Zero Industry Act introduces a domestic clean ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-17

No light in Hong Kong’s night economy

... e economy by bringing back the nightlife in the "Pearl of the Orient" with city-wide night bazaars. However, that is exactly the worry of local residents and the business sector as they believe the la ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-16

The end of zero interest rates

... rm rates: by October 2022, the yield curve had inverted, signaling that financial markets were expecting central banks to reduce short-term rates in the near future. This sentiment stemmed from the wi ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-16


... 58年Murder by Contract。也許受1950年代流行的存在主義哲學影響,片中殺手Claude受過 ...全文


Carbon capture and delay

... resent NIMBYism, long-term energy contracts, and other complexities that stand in the way of immediately swapping coal for solar. But nobody is seriously suggesting shutting down every fossil-fueled p ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-15

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