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Why is US inflation falling?

... as fallen by only about one percentage point – much less than the six-percentage-point decline in headline inflation. Moreover, this has happened while labor markets – understood broadly – have loosen ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-18

Managing the AI backlash

Disruptive technologies are rarely welcomed by workers or others with a significant stake in the status quo. Innovation requires adaptation, and adaptation is costly. Powerful incumbents’ resistance t ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-17

The right way to intervene in clean tech

... reshoring by offering generous government support for firms building green-manufacturing capacity in the country. Following suit, the European Union’s Net-Zero Industry Act introduces a domestic clean ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-17

No light in Hong Kong’s night economy

... e economy by bringing back the nightlife in the "Pearl of the Orient" with city-wide night bazaars. However, that is exactly the worry of local residents and the business sector as they believe the la ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-16

The end of zero interest rates

... rm rates: by October 2022, the yield curve had inverted, signaling that financial markets were expecting central banks to reduce short-term rates in the near future. This sentiment stemmed from the wi ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-16


... 58年Murder by Contract。也許受1950年代流行的存在主義哲學影響,片中殺手Claude受過 ...全文


Carbon capture and delay

... resent NIMBYism, long-term energy contracts, and other complexities that stand in the way of immediately swapping coal for solar. But nobody is seriously suggesting shutting down every fossil-fueled p ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-15

University graduates in China face tough job market

... decreased by 850,000, with a historic low of 9.56 million births. This year the number could fall below eight million. Young people who are out of work or earn a few thousand yuan a month are in no po ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-15

The US economy is up, so why is Biden down?

... mplicated by the fact that America’s recent bout of inflation had multiple causes. This doesn’t let the Biden administration off the hook. Its American Rescue Plan, the $1.9 trillion stimulus package ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-14

In defense of burnout culture

... biquitous by contemporary standards. It's worth noting that burnout does not appear exclusively to workplaces. Social media platforms are themselves both sources of and platforms for airing of grievan ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-14

Achieving zero hunger is still possible

This year marks the halfway point for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the ambitious set of global targets introduced by the United Nations in 2015. These 17 goals, devised to ad ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-14

【移民】全球「身份規劃」洗牌 解讀兩大方向

... Residence by Investment, CBI),或公民投資計劃(Citizen by Invest ...全文



... Residence by Investment, CBI),或公民投資計劃(Citizen by Invest ...全文


Can we farm without harm?

... e billion by 2050. Sub-Saharan Africa’s population is projected to increase by 1.8 billion people during the next 50 years while the rest of the world’s population is expected to grow by 0.9 billion. ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-11

The hunger profiteers

... ly fueled by higher costs for nitrogen fertilizer, which reflected the rising price of natural gas. But new data from GRAIN/IATP show that leading firms hiked fertilizer prices well beyond what was ne ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-11

The youth are not monolith

... ght about by our continuous integration with the mainland. For them, the expedition of our integration into the Greater Bay Area connotes a second chance, a genuine path to economic rejuvenation in th ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-11

Implications of generative AI in tech and beyond

... developed by Google in 2017). No one quite predicted that this innovation, which was originally developed to address language translation, would offer a scalable framework for the development of highl ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-10

Donald Trump in the White House, or a prison cell?

... onsidered by electors as a candidate for the most important job in the world. What is more, Trump plans to continue campaigning even if he were sent to prison. There is precedent for this. In 1920, Eu ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-10

Innovative solutions for fighting climate change

... s, driven by the heat-trapping greenhouse gases and El Niño. The latest United Nations report also shows that the earth is likely to cross the critical threshold of global warming within the next deca ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-10

忠於原創料理 呈現個人風格

... 香港開設Spoon by Alain Ducasse,David便選擇回流協助「開檔」。 David的特色難以 ...全文


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