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...    黃 黃天祥(Conrad)   少時的建築啟蒙 張:Conrad在香港從事建築,子承父業,你的父親早於1 ...全文



... pple Silicon」M1晶片,宣布未來Mac機將不再採用Intel處理器,改用自家研發的ARM架構,重新 ...全文


Re-launch Tenants Purchase Scheme to create common Prosperity

Shortly after becoming a moderately prosperous society in all aspects last year, the Mainland launched the National 14th Five-Year Plan to pursue the goal of common prosperity by reducing the wealth g ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-28

How to handle stress while teaching in a foreign country

Teaching English in a foreign country is likely to be one of the most demanding experiences you'll ever have. It entails relocating to a new country, relocating to a new home, and beginning a new care ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-28

The tribalist threat to climate action

... ent relations from deteriorating to the point that miscalculation could lead to armed conflict – a risk that recent tensions in the Taiwan Strait have highlighted. But Biden and Xi must also ensure th ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-28


世界大型企業聯合會(Conference Board)周二公布,美國10月消費信心指數出乎意料回升,為4個月來 ...全文


Reforming district-level governance

Much has been said – perhaps too much – on the state of ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年10月28日

【異動股】百富環球瀉43%後停牌 遭FBI及國土安全部搜查美國辦公室

... 在其網站Krebs On Security引述消息指,百富環球系統涉嫌用作針對美國及歐盟組織的網絡攻擊。 母企 ...全文


Reforming district-level governance

Much has been said – perhaps too much – on the state of Hong Kong politics subsequent to the series of reforms rolled out last and this year. A less investigated question, perhaps, concerns the prospe ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-27

The mind-blowing M+

Spacious. Ambitious. Contentious. Those were my first impression of M+, the contemporary art museum to debut in about two weeks. The new museum of the West Kowloon Cultural District cannot come at a b ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-27

Seizing Asia’s investment moment

While global investors for years were conspicuously US-centric, over the past decade they have come to focus on the global bookends (the US and China) as twin engines of global growth. And in a world ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-27

Towards A More Reflective "China Story"

Much ink has been spilled on the question of telling th ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hong Konger2021年10月27日


周末看Netflix的冷門電影《筍盤大騙局》(Good on Paper),電影是今年6月才上架的,雖然沒有大 ...全文


The risks and opportunities of private debt

In a global economy increasingly fueled by credit, the market for private debt has emerged as a new frontier for yield-hungry investors. The close bilateral relationships that are a feature of this ma ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-26

Are yesterday's tailwinds tomorrow's headwinds?

While a decade of economic stagnation followed the global financial crisis, it was an extraordinary time for corporate profits and shareholder returns. However, the policy response to the pandemic put ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-26

The inflation catch-up game

Inflation is now on the front page of newspapers around the world, and for good reason. Prices of more and more goods and services are increasing in a manner not seen for decades. This inflationary sp ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-26

滙控復回購 今年派息率約40%

... en Stevenson)稱,集團資本累積進度較年初預測更快,明年料繼續回購。對上一次滙控宣布回購為2019年 ...全文



... en Stevenson)說,今年盈利主要由釋放撥備推動,核心盈利表現仍有待改善,預期2021年度派息比率會近 ...全文


Towards a more reflective ‘China Story’

Much ink has been spilled on the question of telling the “China Story”. Some view the exercise as one of defense, as one about truth-telling, pushing back against the ongoing smears that China has end ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-25

Nurturing unicorns

2021 is a year of remarkable growth for the global startup ecosystem. CB Insights, a market research company, estimated that there are more than 800 unicorns (a startup reaching a valuation of US$1 bi ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-25

頁數:1...137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 ...150

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