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康城SEA TO SKY 1450萬沽 輸19%

新一份《財政預算案》公布在即,二手業主繼續劈價沽貨。將軍澳日出康城SEA TO SKY有業主勁減300萬元、以 ...全文


Does threat of conflict over Taiwan worsen after DPP victory?

... n air and sea blockade. The Taiwanese are not the Ukrainians. For 70 years, they have enjoyed a stable, peaceful life. After a blockade of two-three months, they might be prepared to surrender, to pre ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-26

SEA TO SKY四房海景蝕343萬成交

將軍澳日出康城SEA TO SKY 3座低層A室,實用面積1057方呎,4房雙套房間隔,另設工人套房,座向西北 ...全文


屯門OMA by the Sea 開放式315萬新低

二手市場不乏蝕逾百萬元的成交,入伙一年多的屯門青山公路大欖段OMA by the Sea,二手造價創該屋苑新低 ...全文



美國佛羅里達州勞德代爾海(Lauderdale-by-the-Sea)一對兄妹周二在沙灘嬉戲時挖出一個沙洞,沙 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2024年02月23日


... 的兩艘船隻分別名為「Sea Champion」和「Navis Fortuna」。航運業公開資料顯示,「Sea ...全文


Russia and the two Koreas

... Yemen/Red Sea (but not to the extent that Russian trade with India, via the Red Sea, would be wholly disrupted), Iran/Hezbollah, and, of course, the Crown Jewel of Northeast Asia – DPRK. Russia may al ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-05

OMA by the Sea兩房連車位1023萬售出

永泰地產(00369)旗下屯門青山公路大欖段OMA by the Sea,今天售出一個2房分層單位,為第1座9 ...全文


Is Hong Kong back or moving backwards?

... m lost at sea trying to recharge the economy with harebrained ideas such as night markets. Hong Kong has long been and must be a global financial center to remain relevant. Night markets and mainland ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-30

Is Hong Kong back or moving backwards?

... m lost at sea trying to recharge the economy with hareb ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2024年01月30日

From shoes to semi-conductors, Taiwan’s transformation

... ts were a sea of scooters and motor cycles. As an unmarried guilao, I was invited to parties – but discovered that Taiwan ladies were only interested in Americans. Marriages to them offered the quicke ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-29

PLA uses 'grey zone' warfare to control South China Sea

... uth China Sea claimed by Beijing but is cautious of a w ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2024年01月25日


... 海養珠(South Sea Pearls),就是新南威爾士和西澳Broome區養殖的Akoya養珠,色澤與質素 ...全文


PLA uses ‘grey zone’ warfare to control South China Sea

The People’s Liberation Army has successfully used “grey zone” warfare to control areas of the South China Sea claimed by Beijing but is cautious of a war with India, Japan or Taiwan. That is the conc ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-22


... n Fukuoka Sea Hawk)物色買家,意向價介乎850億至900億日圓(約45.5億至48億港元)。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2024年01月17日


南韓海軍表示,將參加在美國關島進行的「海龍」(Sea Dragon)多國聯合反潛軍演,該演習由今天(16日)起 ...全文


What killed US-China engagement?

... uth China Sea, it went far beyond legal limits in creating artificial islands. In 2015, Xi told US President Barack Obama that he would not militarize the islands, but then went ahead and did so. In 2 ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-12


... 設計出「海上貨車」(Sea Truck),獲得設計協會獎和1975年愛丁堡公爵特別獎,之後又構思了球輪手推車、 ...全文



... 升值1.2倍。 康城SEA TO SKY三年半蝕21% 資料顯示,鄧成波家族曾於2020年3月以8680萬元售 ...全文


薈鳴趕周內開價 搶2024頭啖湯

... MA by the Sea,下調1座10樓A2室價錢,折實售價由1196.7萬元減至1031.2萬元,減幅13 ...全文


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