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The case for flexible, balanced policymaking

... ticular diseases, or the downsides of economically punitive measures) – then they would surely struggle with ensuring that their policies remain relevant. A policy could be most justified and warrante ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-22

鐵粉無悔一注獨贏 賣樓瞓身買Tesla

... 老畢真有咁叻,冬海(Sea Limited)輸錢就輪唔到自己。看了Jason近日的「分享」(幾分真幾分假不必深 ...全文


Climate change is making us sick

... iers of diseases like dengue fever, malaria, and the Zika virus – well beyond their traditional breeding grounds. If nothing is done, Zika will threaten an additional 1.3 billion people by 2050, and d ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-19


... MA by the Sea及OMA OMA,共涉43伙明年1月1日起標售。■ 旅發局:即將啟動全球宣傳,三大策 ...全文



... 道菜叫Stormy Sea,雪白色的魷魚刺身配以粉紫色的山竹及辣椒湯汁,是餐廳的招牌菜。這是Chef Andr ...全文



永泰地產(00369)旗下屯門青山公路大欖段OMA by the Sea及同系同區OMA OMA,共涉43伙, ...全文


The global climate-finance challenge

... s, rising sea levels, desertification, and other climate-driven problems. All countries are already suffering loss and damage from climate change, but the social and economic consequences can be far m ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-12


... 5座、將軍澳日出康城Sea To Sky 2座、葵涌葵馥苑安葵閣、將軍澳新都城都會豪庭1座、沙田穗禾苑慶盛閣、 ...全文



俄羅斯西南部的裏海(Caspian Sea)沿岸地區近日有大約2500隻海豹集體死亡,自然資源與環境部表示未知 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年12月06日

初創仍缺人 持續求過於供

... 和電商公司冬海集團(Sea Limited)過去半年裁員7000人,即一成員工。新加坡召車員工Grab今年初以 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus2022年12月03日

Russia’s financial crisis must come sooner

...  daily by sea (no cap is being considered for the rest, which is transported by pipeline). Let’s say Russia shuts down two million barrels of production, exports two million at the cap, and finds a wa ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-01

Faking it, making it, losing it

... Alameda Research, that propped each other up, with FTX generating its own tokens (FTT) that could be used as collateral against borrowing. But to entice investors and state authorities, Law needed a c ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-29

The case for mandating climate-risk disclosure

... tures and sea levels may ultimately have even larger economic effects. Similarly, as governments, consumers, and business partners around the world seek to limit greenhouse-gas emissions, the risks fa ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-28

涵蓋烏克蘭等六國領土 被指傷口灑鹽

... 3架「海王」直升機(Sea King),為俄烏戰爭爆發以來英國首次向烏克蘭派遣有人駕駛的飛機。英國亦額外提供一 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年11月24日

Who pays for climate change?

... tures and sea levels, increasingly frequent and severe extreme weather, and all the other costly effects of burning fossil fuels. Ever since COP15 in Copenhagen in 2009, a key figure in this debate ha ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-18

鬥燒錢變鬥縮皮 愈孤寒愈有運行

...  就連昔日愛股冬海(Sea Limited),周二公布第三季業績也做番齣好戲,虧損收窄兼且銷售勝預期,股價單日 ...全文


The EU’s trillion-euro question

...  as North Sea wind power. A sovereignty fund would seek to boost Europe’s technological and industrial development by supporting public-private partnerships and industrial alliances. One way to do thi ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-17

騰訊業務瓣瓣滯 光輝歲月恐已逝

... 東南亞小騰訊」之稱的Sea Limited績後股價周三在紐約飆升36%;同在紐約掛牌的叮咚賣菜也因成本控制得宜 ...全文



... 到昔日愛股冬海集團(Sea Limited)的消息,雖早就一股未持,畢竟「感情」難斷,禁不住望了兩眼。 話說, ...全文


高瓴第三季加碼阿里拼多多 減持京東

... 坡科技巨頭冬海集團(Sea)上季遭到高瓴清倉,二季度高瓴對其持股為436萬股。 高瓴對整體新能源汽車製造商依然 ...全文


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