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SEA TO SKY 10伙棄購戶周五重售

長實(01113)與港鐵(00066)合作發展的將軍澳日出康城SEA TO SKY,將於周五以先到先得方式,推 ...全文


The gathering stagflationary storm

... nd rising sea levels destroy capital stocks and disrupt economic activity. Making matters worse, the politics of bashing fossil fuels and demanding aggressive decarbonization has led to underinvestmen ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-29

China lockdowns to delay normalisation of supply chains

... places/at sea] and freight to pile up. If most of the lockdowns are lifted by the end of Q2, as we expect, the drawdown of backlogged freight is likely to happen at the peak of the shipping season. Ac ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-28

Typhoon in May and stay away

... l typhoon season from June to October, a cyclone is on its way to hit Hong Kong on 1 May, according to Hong Kong Observatory. In its words, the Observatory forecasts that a northeast monsoon will reac ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-27

賣地表項目14月最少 總投資料過百億

... MA by the Sea和琨崙等,地政總署共收到5份標書,屬去年2月中旬截標的九龍東啟德第4E區2號住宅地盤 ...全文


康城SEA TO SKY 10宗棄購殺訂千萬

長實﹙01113﹚與港鐵﹙00066﹚合作發展的將軍澳日出康城SEA TO SKY提供1422伙,原本在去年7 ...全文


SEA TO SKY十單位撻訂 短期重售

市傳長實(01113)與港鐵(00066)合作發展的將軍澳日出康城SEA TO SKY有10伙未能按時完成交易 ...全文


Refining consultation process key to addressing housing shortage

... shore and Sea-bed (Reclamations) Ordinance, the Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance, and the Railways Ordinance, with no mention of other procedures. It is thus difficult to avoid the impres ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-20

How data technology can help property buyers

... s a great sea view or blocked by a row of buildings as the view out from a window at 30/F can be quite different from that at 2/F. The case also applies to a second-hand flat that still has tenants li ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-19

GoTo首掛飆13% 阿里軟銀豐收
印尼第三大IPO 市值達2457億

... 加坡上市的Grab及Sea今年以來股價蒸發近半,去年8月上市的印尼電商平台Bukalapak,現價亦比招股價低 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年04月12日

GoTo上市 李澤楷持股值70億

... 上市的同業Grab和Sea Ltd.都在東南亞地區開展業務,GoTo則較專注印尼市場,目前擁有250萬名司機、 ...全文



... 海(Arafura Sea)被中國海軍艦艇以激光照射等事件,足以說明中資承租達爾文港反映中方控制澳洲北部的意圖 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年04月02日

Russia is finished as a major energy power

... he Baltic Sea, or the Black Sea all the way to Asia. Some renegade operators may attempt to enter the business, but these activities would be tracked carefully, and ship owners, charterers, and captai ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-01


... 一個,被東南亞小騰訊SEA旗下Shopee反超,以致深陷泥濘。 隨着全球數碼化轉型和移動設備加速普及等多方因素 ...全文


Building a central platform to fight against epidemic

... flood and sea water inundation. The platform is based on geographic information, allowing various departments to exchange real time information, including weather and traffic updates which will be dis ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-28


... 叫做死海雞Dead Sea chicken,鹹死了! 第二日,William在家吃飯,他點了豉油雞,這次又是要 ...全文


今年顯著放慢招聘 優化業務組織

... 近期京東和冬海集團(Sea Limited)受到較廣泛關注,未來將視乎個別公司情況作決定。 阿里巴巴(0998 ...全文


Is gold about to break-out of narrow trading range?

... Given the sea change in expectations for the Fed rate hikes, it’s impressive that gold prices held up as well as they did, suggesting that gold may have benefitted from rising inflation after all: the ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-23

Building the green-recovery consensus

... a. Rising sea levels are threatening many island states and low-lying countries. Catastrophic flooding has inundated parts of Europe and China. And wildfires have torn across the American West and lar ...More

EJ Insight2022-03-22

基輔購物中心遭轟毀 至少8死

... ,周日首度從亞速海(Sea of Azov)的軍艦發射火箭和投下炸彈,轟炸這個圍攻了3周的城市。國防部周日晚向 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年03月22日

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