
共 699 個結果
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iPhone SE是蘋果殺着

蘋果發布會日前於美國加州矽谷古柏迪諾市(Cupertino)蘋果總部舉行,市場最關注的4吋小屏幕iPhone ...全文


Intel founder Andy Grove dies at 79

Andy Grove, one of the architects of Silicon Valley’s growth into the world’s center of technology creation, died on Monday. He was 79. “We are deeply saddened by the passing of former Intel chairman ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-22

Cheapest iPhone ever is out

Apple Inc. has launched its lowest-priced iPhone and slashed the price of its smart watch. The new four-inch iPhone SE will start at US$399, or US$50 less than the iPhone 5S where it is based on, but ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-22


蘋果公司在香港時間今天凌晨的產品發布會,宣布推出新款4吋細屏幕的iPhone SE,配備更快速的升級版A9晶片 ...全文


Apple Pay的輕巧選擇

2月18日,蘋果與中國銀聯合作,在大陸推出Apple Pay支付系統;引得一眾果迷讚嘆其毋須App、毋須網絡的 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 軟硬中國劉璟2016年03月05日


蘋果公司行政總裁庫克(Tim Cook)上周五在周年大會上承諾,將提高年度派息。此舉為取悅投資者之餘,相信亦意 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年02月29日


蘋果公司與美國聯邦調查局(FBI)就iPhone解鎖一事的「攻防戰」有升級之勢。《紐約時報》周三披露,蘋果正為 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年02月26日


上星期美國洛杉磯地方法院裁定,蘋果公司須向FBI提供技術支援,以協助解鎖一部iPhone 5c手機,來自去年1 ...全文



𤠣年新的一年第一天,香港就發生了街頭令人感到不安及擔憂的衝突暴亂,當面對挑戰時,我們如何自處?作為未來的領袖, ...全文



  「特首點着個火,泛民加啲火油,點解要建制派同你撲火?」 自由黨立法會議員_田北俊 明言不再競逐連任的田北 ...全文


Apple rejects court order on San Bernardino shooter's iPhone

Apple Inc. said it will contest a court order to help the FBI unlock an iPhone used by one of the shooters involved in a December terror attack in San Bernardino, California. In a statement Wednesday, ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-18

美法院令iPhone解鎖查恐襲 蘋果拒從

美國法院周二裁定,蘋果公司必須協助聯邦調查局(FBI),為去年12月加州槍擊恐襲案中一名槍手的iPhone解鎖 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年02月18日

VR could be the next big thing for tech titans

With the global smartphone market slowing, gadget makers such as Apple, Samsung and HTC are seeking the next growth engine for their businesses. Amid these efforts, consensus seems to be emerging that ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-09

What Apple can do to drive its growth momentum

Apple Inc.'s long winning streak appears to be coming to an end. The US technology giant forecast a decline in revenue for the current fiscal quarter, citing weak sales of its best-selling gadget iPho ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-08

Why the iPhone dream run has ended

There is no better place to gauge the prospects of iPhone, whose maker warned this week of the smartphone's first-ever sales decline, than in Sin Tat Plaza in Hong Kong's Mong Kok district. The buildi ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-28


蘋果旗艦產品iPhone銷量大幅放緩,iPad及Mac電腦的表現也未如理想,但高層強調「其他產品」有顯著增長, ...全文


放鴿定放鷹 市場大反應

港股昨天收市後,國際金融市場不論油市、股市或滙市,均只窄幅上落,大家都在等美國聯儲局「倫姨」發落。今天美國議息 ...全文


iPhone銷量見頂 今季收入料跌

蘋果公司過去數年近乎每次業績皆報捷,但這段高增長的風光日子恐怕已終結。蘋果公布的最新季度業績顯示,王牌產品iP ...全文


蘋果王牌欠奉 轉移視線無從

蘋果公司上季業績創新高,奈何智能手機iPhone本季收入預料將首次出現負增長,任憑蘋果如何強調軟件服務潛力,投 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年01月28日

Apple forecasts sales drop as smartphone market slows down

Apple Inc. said revenue in the first three months of 2016 will be between US$50 billion and US$53 billion, the first time since 2003 that the company has forecast a sales decline. The technology giant ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-27

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