
共 699 個結果
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China, US exchange new offers on investment pact

China is in talks with the United States to reduce the scope of so-called negative lists of sectors closed to each other's investors. The two sides have exchanged revised offers regarding such restric ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-16

Apple unveils new iPad, TV set-top box; Wall St unimpressed

Apple Inc. unveiled on Wednesday a larger-screen iPad and a revamped TV set-top box along with upgraded versions of its smartphones, hoping to breathe new momentum into the company's sales ahead of th ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-10

產品料欠驚喜 恐難刺激股價

蘋果公司明天凌晨迎來萬眾期待的新產品發布會,據報其中一個殺着是「巨型iPad」,據報新iPad的呎吋和容量都會 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年09月09日

iPhone料增force touch技術

蘋果「粉絲」翹首以待的新產品發布會定出舉行日期,傳媒周四收到請柬,預期新版iPhone亮相。外界亦關注行政總裁 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年08月29日

Apple expected to launch new iPhones at Sept 9 event

Apple Inc. sent invitations to an event on Sept. 9 in San Francisco, where it’s expected to unveil the latest iPhone, a new Apple TV set-top box and other updated products, Bloomberg reported. The rel ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-28


本周一環球小股災,美國道指開市後5分鐘即暴跌1089點,是史上最大盤中(intraday)點數跌幅,更是第一次 ...全文


蘋果增披露 常規化更好

一些食古不化者投訴,蘋果公司行政總裁庫克(Tim Cook)向CNBC電視節目《瘋錢》(Mad Money)主 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年08月27日


有研究報告預測,中國今年智能手機銷量增長將大幅放緩至約1%,連帶全球增長預測也要下調,跟繼續看好內地市場的蘋果 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年08月27日

阿爺撤軍唔盲托 短痛過後生機現

經歷過去幾日的瘋狂市況,美股的bottom-fishing客應快將出動,若非昨日A股續跌沉底,港股或有更可觀反 ...全文


China rout sends Wall Street reeling

Investors stung by a freefall in China's stock market sent US equities tumbling 4 percent on Monday in a rout that enmeshed major indices worldwide. The Dow Jones industrial average briefly slumped mo ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-25

蘋果績差 市值蒸發3900億

蘋果公司上季iPhone銷量及業績預測均遜預期,引發iPhone需求放緩的憂慮,為該公司前景響起警號,而蘋果不 ...全文



本月經過一輪希債談判、A股大跌後,市場重新關注企業業績,但美國重磅企業業績看來未能有個好開始,繼IBM公布較預 ...全文


蘋果盡顯霸氣 沽壓難言合理

蘋果公司(Apple)上季業績強勁,惟收入展望略遜預期,拖累股價急挫。投資者憂慮蘋果繼智能手機iPhone 6 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年07月23日

Apple iPhone leads China list of data hogs

Chinese media are once again feasting on smartphone maker Apple Inc., which has has come out squarely on top of a "list of shame" that details how some of the best-selling brands quietly steal data mi ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-07


蘋果公司營運高級副總裁威廉斯(Jeff Williams)周三說,汽車是「終極流動裝置」,令外界揣測公司有意進 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年05月29日


談到美國蘋果公司代表人物,大家可能立即想到其創辦人喬布斯(Steve Jobs)或CEO庫克(Tim Cook ...全文



年尾有套電影一定要睇,戲名好清楚話你知佢講乜嘢,就係叫Steve Jobs。第二套講佢嘅電影,吸引力在於編劇係 ...全文


蘋果股價看漲 美股創新高

美股昨天反覆,早段受樓市指數遜預期拖累而下跌,但之後有重要投資者稱,蘋果公司的股價可再升近九成,刺激重磅股蘋果 ...全文


Apple chief Cook joins Weibo, attracting 320,000 followers

Apple chief executive Tim Cook has joined Sina Corp.’s Weibo, a Chinese microblogging service similar to Twitter, TechCrunch reported. The move shows the importance of the Chinese smartphone market to ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-12

Are you OK? Speech in English by Xiaomi boss goes viral

The charismatic chief executive of Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi was uncharacteristically nervous when he went onstage in New Delhi during the firm's first international launch. “Hello, how are you? ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-29

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