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第18屆愛心獎頒獎典禮得獎者(左起)劉小鋼(內地) 、癌症希望基金會(台灣) 、 袁万丁(台灣) 、王頌湯(內 ...全文


In Xi’s China, security trumps economy

In the China of President Xi Jinping, security trumps economy. This means that the government is unlikely to meet its 2023 growth target of five per cent. The large stimulus package that would be need ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-11

Mount Everest: Do we have what it takes?

Standing at over 5,164 meters tall at Gorakshep, the highest human settlement and the stop prior to Everest Base Camp (EBC), overlooking the Himalayan Mountain ranges and the ultimate summit, I was ab ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-13

What is love?

“Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove” Shakespeare once quipped. But in my eyes, love must necessarily alter when it alteration finds. For love ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-02

‘Brahn boots’

In a day and age where so many men in suits wear designer trainers of one brand or another, the very idea of wearing leather shoes that match the rest of one’s attire may appear a trifle antedeluvian. ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-13


EJ Markets:股市發出‘熊’色預警《收市分析 16/12/2022》 主持:信報高級分析員 尹德政 # ...影片

信報視頻EJ Markets2022年12月16日

A historical recount of US economy policy

The big lesson of the past 60 years of US economic policy, according to former vice chair of the US Federal Reserve and current Princeton University economist Alan S. Blinder’s new book, A Monetary an ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-04

Say it with music

The recent further relaxation of Covid-based restrictions by the current, belatedly enlightened Hong Kong administration came as welcome news to a society that has felt increasingly incarcerated by th ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-20

Take me to your leader…

The most accurate description I have ever heard of a leader, is the person who knows what to do in a given situation. On an ad hoc basis, this invariably proves to be correct. But when talking about s ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-19

Eight lessons from the Ukraine war

When Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his invasion of Ukraine on February 24, he envisaged a quick seizure of Kyiv and a change of government analogous to Soviet interventions in Budapest in 1 ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-17


前數周從中國人的「中庸之道」,論及要達到「中庸」,必須首先了解整個光譜,才知道哪裏是中間。因此談到光譜的兩極、 ...全文


New question surrounding cyber risk insurance: Insurable or not?

In previous years, the questions about cyber risk insurance were centred around ‘should we or shouldn’t we purchase’? Many boards and risk managers, not entirely sure of the value a cyber risk insuran ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-01

亞洲金融藍海明珠 - 東西碰撞交融下迅速成長的私人財富管理行業

雖然新冠疫情持續,全球私人財富卻在新一輪儲蓄潮以及銀行低利率支持政策中迅猛增長。其中亞太地區的增幅更是領先全球 ...全文


The changing tides of human productivity

Hong Kong is a fast-moving and cosmopolitan city, home to regional and global headquarters of many huge companies with a work culture that embraces the rapid pace of its economic activity. With waves ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-02


上周提到費孝通的「差序格局」,誤作「差距格局」,幸得讀者提醒,特此道歉。另有讀者指出,費孝通的「差序格局」,與 ...全文


What can we learn from the controversy over DSE History Exam?

Under the haze of COVID-19, the 2020 DSE finally went ahead on 24 April as planned. After 3 months of class suspension, teachers, parents and students were relieved. History – one of the elective subj ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-02

Royal farewell: Harry and Meghan bow out from official roles

Britain’s top royals came together on Monday at Westminster Abbey in their last public family gathering before Prince Harry and his wife Meghan set off on a new career path devoid of official duties. ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-10

Climate activist Greta Thunberg named Time's Person of the Year

Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swede who inspired millions of young people to take action against climate change, has been named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year for 2019. Thunberg launched a grass ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-12

Price cuts, iPhone 11 timing drive Apple rebound in China

Apple Inc. managed to largely stem a fall in China revenue in the September quarter thanks to the release-timing of the iPhone 11, a cheaper variant, and a bit of good luck, but analysts said the comp ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-01

Warren campaign challenges Facebook with 'false' Zuckerberg ad

US Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Democratic presidential campaign challenged Facebook’s policy that exempts politicians’ ads from fact-checking, by running ads on the social media platform containing the ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-14

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