
共 301 個結果
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Philosophy of staying humble

In mid-April, I taught the last lesson of this academic year's master's programme in smart cities at the University of Hong Kong. In this lesson, students were divided into groups to present the achie ...More

EJ Insight2024-06-11

What can be done to tackle climate crisis

Dr. Jane Goodall, the renowned primatologist and anthropologist, said, "What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." As we reflect on the year 2023 ...More

EJ Insight2024-04-22

Innovative solutions to reduce CO2 emission

Sweden is building the world's first permanent electrified road, allowing electric vehicles (EV) to be charged while driving, which will greatly help increase popularity of EVs and reduce emissions. H ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-26

OCEAN ONE兩房園景760萬易主

油塘OCEAN ONE高層C室,實用面積559方呎,2房套房間隔,望向西內園景,原先開價820萬元,議價後減至 ...全文


Do as the locals do in Hong Kong

Why isn't there a McDonald’s outlet on Macdonnell Road? The post went viral at Little Red Book, or Xiaohongshu, over the golden weekend when young mainland visitors were eager to share their unique tr ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-10

In defense of nature-based carbon markets

Voluntary markets for carbon offsets have recently come under fire, with critics questioning the efficacy of contracts that aim to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide relative to what would have happene ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-11


近期轉型做歌手復出的藝人黃心穎,現時除租用油塘鯉灣天下單位外,日前更斥110萬元購入屋苑一個車位。 資料顯示, ...全文


藝人黃心穎110萬 購鯉灣天下車位

近期轉型做歌手復出的藝人黃心穎【圖】,據消息指出,剛斥資110萬元購入油塘鯉灣天下一個車位,屬該廈近9年車位新 ...全文


High time for a high-seas treaty

Our planet’s tightly woven, interconnected natural systems are vital to life and livelihoods. Yet with each passing season, we are witnessing the crushing realities of the climate crisis and biodivers ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-27

Bal Residence首批56伙 入場580萬

麗新發展(00488)與市區重建局合作發展的觀塘恒安街Bal Residence,今天「一炮過」上載樓書、開放 ...全文


The death of Hong Kong?

In 1996, I was offered an untenured post in the department of philosophy at the University of Hong Kong. What made the offer particularly attractive is that I could live in a large subsidized flat on ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-23

The death of Hong Kong?

In 1996, I was offered an untenured post in the departm ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ Insight貝淡寧2023年02月23日

利率上限降至48厘 觸發淘汰整合

本港持牌放債人數目不少,據公司註冊處資料顯示,過去5年,每年總數都維持逾2000間水平,且前4年每年均見遞增, ...全文


油塘OCEAN ONE持貨9年明賺實輸

二手屋苑造價由重返7年前,再進一步倒流至9年前。油塘OCEAN ONE高層享避風塘景的3房單位,幾近回到201 ...全文


Who’s ready to fight plastic pollution?

In late November, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution met for the first time. The INC was established by the United Nations Environment Assembly with a well-defined missio ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-22

Recommerce reduces carbon footprint

The World Economic Forum estimates that clothing production has roughly doubled over the past 20 years, with people buying 60% more clothing in 2014 than in 2000, but keeping them for only half as lon ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-13

Eco-economic development

The Earth’s biodiversity and the services provided by healthy ecosystems are under massive pressure from climate change and the challenge of supporting eight billion people in a sustainable way. Key e ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-08

What the COP15 Biodiversity Conference must do

The recent United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh offered encouraging but insufficient signs of an emerging political consensus on the need for global solidarity in the fa ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-08

利好消息浮現 業界料發展商不會劈價

近期新盤交投淡靜,踏入12月,仍有6個全新盤有機會開售,涉及2508伙,包括不足100伙的佳明集團(01271 ...全文


折實每呎17938元 414萬入場

事隔兩年,油塘區再有全新供應。保利置業(00119)及賭王四太梁安琪旗下尚嘉控股合作發展的油塘高超道朗譽,周五 ...全文


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