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... 分割,再利用一種名為GEMINI的脊髓(中樞神經)融合技術,把脊髓接駁到一具軀體上。若此手術成功的話,這名SM ...全文


Why India's billionaires want their own airport

... ng to Cap Gemini SA and Royal Bank of Canada, the wealth of its high net worth individuals expanded at the quickest pace in the world last year to US$785 billion. That indicates a strong market for pr ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-22

Suspected sewage leak shuts Tuen Mun, Tsuen Wan beaches

... s' Beach, Gemini Beaches, Hoi Mei Wan Beach, Casam Beach, Lido Beach, Ting Kau Beach, Approach Beach and Ma Wan Tung Wan Beach in Tuen Wan. The Pillar Point Sewage Treatment Works is a primary screeni ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-26

Debates over big notes reflect public worries

... rt by Cap Gemini and Bank of America saying that the number of millionaires in China has hit 758,000, putting the country fourth in that regard behind the US, Japan and Germany. But thanks to a wideni ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-10

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